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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: CR-031

Subserosal cyst of the urinary bladder in a male neonate.

Purpose or Case Report: We report the case of a previously unreported subserosal cyst of the urinary bladder in a male neonate. Prenatal sonography revealed a cystic structure in the fetal bladder that was presumed to be a ureterocele. Renal and bladder sonography at 11 days-of-age revealed a 9mm thin-walled simple cyst within a decompressed urinary bladder. The kidneys were sonographically normal. A VCUG performed the same day revealed an ovoid-shaped filling defect along the posterior-superior bladder wall. The bladder was otherwise normal. There was no vesicoureteral reflux, but a prostatic utricle filled with contrast. Cystoscopy performed at 3 months of age revealed single ureteral orifices bilaterally and no ureterocele. A dome-like lesion measuring approximately 1 cm in size was visualized along the posterior bladder wall. Sonography of the bladder performed earlier on the same day as cystoscopy once again revealed a thin-walled anechoic cyst within the posterior bladder wall. At 7 months of age, the infant underwent cystoscopic surgical excision of the bladder lesion as well as orchiopexy for an undescended testicle. The results of histopathologic analysis revealed a benign subserosal cyst with an epithelial lining and an entrapped duct. A review of the literature revealed only two previously reported cases of subserosal bladder cyst, both in adults. The natural history of these cysts is unknown. However, given the benign sonographic and histopathologic appearance of these lesions, we propose that these cysts can be safely followed with interval sonography.
Methods & Materials:
  • Daghfal, Megan  ( University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria , Peoria , Illinois , United States )
  • Mitchell, Craig  ( University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria , Peoria , Illinois , United States )
  • Reid, Churphena  ( University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria , Peoria , Illinois , United States )
Session Info:

Electronic Exhibits - Case Reports


Scientific Exhibits - Case Reports

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