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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-004

Myocardial infarctions in young patients with congenital heart disease: Role of Cardiac MRI

Purpose or Case Report: CHD (congenital heart disease) occurs in approximately 1% of all live births with more than 90% survival into adulthood. Prevalence of coronary artery disease has been reported to be similar to general adult population. Patients with complex CHD may be subjected to non-atherosclerotic premature coronary artery disease due to anomalous coronaries, peri-coronary region interventions, or coronary re-implantation. Cardiac MRI (CMR) may provide valuable myocardium health information with pointers towards a coronary distribution in unsuspected chronic or acute cases. Acquisition of delayed enhancement sequences (LGE) and T1 mapping should be considered routine in CMR studies for assessment of interval ischemic events. Patients with complex CHD are also at risk for sudden cardiac arrest and LGE data may assist in further risk stratification of these patients. Three complex CHD patients who all suffered myocardial infarctions at a young age as a result of their multifaceted cardiac history are highlighted to illustrate the importance of this (see included table, Figure 1). Two CMR images (Figures 2,3) demonstrate delayed enhancement throughout the septum at the base to mid-cavity in a patient with truncus arteriosus type 1 who presented with a non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). Focal area of low-signal sub-endocaridum within the enhancement on Figure 3 favors microvascular obstruction.

CMR is a vital component of surgical planning and post-operative care of patients with CHD, providing accurate anatomical, functional, and flow information that assists in clinical management. Delayed enhancement sequences and post-gadolinium T1 mapping allow assessment of ischemic injury or infarct, and therefore should be considered part of routine follow up CMR studies in patients with complex CHD.
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Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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