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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-047

Pediatric Hydrosalpinx - making your differential diagnosis less fluid

Purpose or Case Report: Hydrosalpinx can be difficult to differentiate from other cystic lesions in the pelvis - especially when large. However, there are imaging characteristics that may help narrow the differential diagnosis and initiate appropriate management earlier in the clinical course.
Methods & Materials: - Demonstrate the radiologic appearance of hydrosalpinx with a focus on anatomy and etiology.
- Illustrate the key imaging features in the differential diagnosis of hydrosalpinx.
- Discuss management options available to surgeons and gynecologists.
Results: We review cases of hydrosalpinx in pediatric patients with clinical course, illustrate the pertinent diagnostic findings with a focus on differential diagnosis, and discuss management.
Conclusions: A knowledgeable radiologist is critical in the expeditious and accurate diagnosis of hydrosalpinx in the pediatric population and bridges the gap between patient presentation and appropriate management while avoiding unnecessary or potentially harmful intervention.
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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