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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-015

Fetal MRI Scanning Safety: a Review of the Literature

Purpose or Case Report: Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanning techniques have caused concern in both the general population and scientific community about their safety. Studies published in the past have called to question the current techniques and sequences used in fetal MRI from a safety perspective. Namely, noise of scanning sequences, specific absorption rate, heating of the fetus, and utility of MRI to detect Zika virus induced malformations in relation to practices of safety in the recent Zika virus outbreak.
Methods & Materials: This educational exhibit includes a literature review conducted using PubMed searching keywords “fetal brain development”, “fetal brain volume”, “fetal MRI” and “fetal MRI Zika”. 61 papers of fetal MRI research using in-utero patients were selected based on whether details were included about safety considerations to the fetus in their methods or outcomes. Papers were also selected relevant to MRI use in Zika patients due to recent outbreaks.
Conclusions: Risk of acoustic damage to fetus from MRI sequences is negligible. The limitation of higher Tesla scanners causing too much specific absorption rate, as MRI magnetic strength improves, suggests that although specific absorption rate is detectable, it can be controlled safely. It was shown in models that the fetus could theoretically heat up over safety limits due to heat dissipation through convection currents in the amniotic fluid. Therefore, new studies should take into account amniotic fluid convection currents when examining specific absorption rate. In areas with limited MRI resources and Zika virus outbreaks, ultrasound scans may be used instead of MRI for detecting fetal abnormalities for better cost-effectiveness.
  • Kalsi, Ishar  ( GKT School of Medical Education, King's College London , London , United Kingdom )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational

Fetal Imaging / Neonatal

SPR Posters - Educational

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