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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-060

Neck Lesions in Infants: A Pictorial Review

Purpose or Case Report:
Neck lesions are a common clinical scenario encountered in children. They can present as neck lumps or be discovered incidentally on medical imaging performed for other indications. While most paediatric neck lesions are benign, they can be a source of morbidity to patients and cause considerable anxiety to their care givers. Neck lesions in infants are made additionally more challenging as this area can be difficult to assess clinically. A clinically evident or suspected neck mass has, as a result, become a common indication for medical imaging in this age group. Being aware of the spectrum of neck lesions seen in infants and their respective imaging manifestations helps direct management appropriately in these cases.

A review of neck lesions seen in infants seen at a tertiary paediatric centre over the last two decades is presented with correlation of imaging findings across multiople modalities with the final diagnosis. Our aim is to provide an overview of both common and rare neck lesions seen in this age group by using broad categories of congenital, inflammatory and aggressive/malignant lesions. As well as showcasing cases with classic imaging findings we will include some cases where features overlapped between different varieties of neck lesions to illustrate pitfalls in imaging neck lesions in infants.
Methods & Materials:
  • Sheikh, Zishan  ( Royal Children's Hsopital Melbourne , Parkville , Victoria , Australia )
  • Kumbla, Surekha  ( Royal Children's Hsopital Melbourne , Parkville , Victoria , Australia )
  • Bracken, Jenny  ( Royal Children's Hsopital Melbourne , Parkville , Victoria , Australia )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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