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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-019

Imaging in Anorectal Malformations: What the Radiologist Needs to Report

Purpose or Case Report: Anorectal malformations are a fairly common group of congenital anomalies presenting at birth and often as part of a syndrome, with various other associated entities. The purpose of this article is to detail the role of imaging in the evaluation of the anomalies and provide a simple approach to reporting that will provide all the necessary anatomic details to the surgeons for best possible surgical and functional outcome.
Methods & Materials: 1. Review the embryological and anatomical considerations of the anorectum and urogenital tract in neonates, as per the prevailing classification schemes.
2. Elaborate on the imaging modalities of choice in common clinical scenarios with respect to the area of concern, as well for evaluation of any associated anomalies.
3. Detail a method of approach to reporting, so as to ensure all the relevant details are given to the surgeon.
4. We will provide case based examples from a series of 10 patients that presented to our institute, with surgical outcome.
Results: After reviewing the exhibit, the reader will have a comprehensive yet simplistic approach to reporting anorectal malformations, enabling efficient management and prevention of complications.
Conclusions: The diagnostic and treatment approach to anorectal malformations is complicated by various factors, such as, coexistent anomalies increasing morbidity, possibility of renal damage if managed inappropriately and impact on general quality of life of the child with respect to creation of stoma, urinary and sexual function.
As radiologists, we can greatly aid the surgeons in deciding the best time for intervention, proper planning of procedure and prevention of complications. Thus, it is imperative that we have a structured approach to cases and a reporting checklist for reference, providing crucial information for best surgical and functional results.

Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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