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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: CR-032

PET/CT Imaging of a Unique Case of Multiple Myeloma in a Child

Purpose or Case Report: To present the first PET/CT and PET/MRI imaging findings of acase of multiple myeloma, MM, in a pediatric patient.
Methods & Materials: 15 year old boy presented with painless occipital mass. The initial PET/CTand pathologic specimens as well as post-chemotherapy PET/MRI findings were reviewed and are presented.
Results: The midline occipital lesion demonstrated a soft tissue mass centered in the occipital bone with lytic change with a beveled edge on CT. The lesion was felt to represent an eosinophilc granuloma but on biopsy was shown to be a plasmacytoma. Staging PET/CT demonstrated marked hypermetabolism but no additional lesions. Laboratory findings demonstrated elevated IgA kappa light chain protein. Bone marrow biopsy was normal. The patient was treated for plasmacytoma with radiotherapy alone (5800cGy/28 fractions). The kappa protien level normalized. Post-radiation PET/MR demonstrated excellent results to the primary lesion.
Conclusions: Solitary plasmycytomas in children are extremely rare with only 14 cases previously reported with no previous published cases with PET imaging findings.
Session Info:

Posters - Case Report

Nuclear Imaging/Oncology

SPR Posters - Case Reports

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