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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-005 (S)

Ultrasound Findings in Biliary Atresia: A Practical Guide

Purpose or Case Report: -To review the etiopathogenesis of biliary atresia;
-To review the techinique, describing and ilustratins typical and atypical sonographic findings ob biliary atresia, comparing them to the normal anatomy, to help the radiologist in the differencial diagnosisof cholestasis;
-To correlate the sonographic findings with laparoscopic cholangiography.
Methods & Materials: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical data, US and cholangiographic findings of infants with the final diagnosis of biliary atresia in order to find common and uncommon sonographic findings of the disease. The images were retrieved from ultrasound examinations performed by an experienced pediatric radiologist evaluating infants with cholestasis, with posterior confirmations of diagnosis.
Results: We select the most illustrative images of the findings of biliary atresia sonographic evaluation:
-atretic gallbladder, lobular/ irregular contour and incomplete ecoghenic mucosal lining with an indistinct wall (gallblader ghost triad)
-triangular cord sign
-enlarged caliber of the hepatic artery
-hepatic subcapsular flow during Doppler evaluation

Conclusions: The combined sonographic findings of biliary atresia present a high diagnostic accuracy rate. Their knowledge by pediatric radiologist is of great importance, especially considering that early diagnosis leads to early treatment, with better prognosis.
Session Info:

Posters - Educational (SLARP)


SPR Posters - Educational

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