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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-039

High Resolution Color Doppler Ultrasound in the Study of Uncommon Skin Lesions in Children

Purpose or Case Report: The purpose of this exhibit is to show a number of unusual skin lesions that can be seen in children, emphasizing the sonographic appearance and clinical and pathological correlation. We have found this barely described in the literature.
Methods & Materials: We reviewed retrospectively our experience with Ultrasound (US) in the study of superficial soft tissue nodules or masses in children for the last fourteen years, including clinical and pathological findings.
Results: All lesions were examined with US, which was the first imaging study in all patients. Examples of unusual lesions are shown, including congenital myofibromatosis, protruded subungual exostosis, plantar wart, neurocystic hamartoma, aplasia cutis, morphea, spiradenoma, giant pylomatricoma, cutaneous myasis, cutaneous Cysticercosis, septic emboli, post vaccination nodules, subcutaneous fat necrosis, metastatic neuroblastoma, granuloma annulare, pyogenic granuloma, congenital nodular melanocytic nevi, Hashimoto-Pritzker histiocytosis, juvenile xanthogranuloma, erythema perneo, blue nevus, villous nevus. In most cases, no additional imaging studies were necessary.
Conclusions: High-resolution color-Doppler US is helpful in the characterization and diagnosis of some uncommon skin lesions in children. Although findings might be nonspecific, they may suggest a diagnosis, especially when correlated with clinical findings and could avoid doing other more sophisticated studies, such as CT or MRI.

Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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