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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-017

Standarized UGI Protocols with Tips and Tricks By Consensus of the SPR Fluoroscopy Committee

Purpose or Case Report: The purpose of our presentation is to discuss the UGI protocols, tips and tricks, standardized reports we obtained by consensus of the 17 member, multi-institutional, multi-continenetal SPR fluoroscopy committee. We present our standarized UGI protocols along with acceptable variations in practice. We also present tips and tricks to tailor the study to specific indications. Discussion includes case examples of recommended protocols and special modifications based on specific clinical presentation.
Methods & Materials: SPR Fluoroscopy Committee reviewed current fluoroscopic literature, reviewed multi-institutional protocols, and discussed the nuances of UGI studies in the pediatric population. Consensus protocol recommendations were developed to include tips and tricks from experienced experts in the field.
Results: As a group, we found that current practice of pediatric fluoroscopy varies greatly across institutions, physicians, and trainees without a formal protocol in many centers. In addition, certain clincial scenerios require tailoring of the examination which was discussed. We share our collective experience in practice to improve imaging options and diagnostic findings.
Conclusions: Standardized UGI protocols are lacking uniformity across many institutions. These consensus based protocols from international experts are needed and will be privided in detail in this discussion with the goal of unifying practice to optimize patient care.
  • Hayes, Kari  ( University of Colorado , Denver , Colorado , United States )
  • Kraus, Steve  ( Texas Children's Hospital , Houston , Texas , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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