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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-061

Imaging Spectrum of Pediatric Jaw Lesions

Purpose or Case Report: To study the various mandibular and maxillary lesions in pediatric age group.

To present the differentiating features of these lesions.
Methods & Materials: All cases of mandibular and maxillary lesions in our institution over the last 10 years were reviewed. Traumatic lesions were excluded. CT images, MRI imagres, and radiogaphic images were analyzed. Characteristic radilogical and differentiating features of these lesions were highlighted.
Results: Mandibular lesions develop from both odontogenic and nonodontogenic origins and have varying degrees of destructive potential. In our educational exhibit we present initially the common benign cystic lesions including periapical (radicular) cysts, follicular (dentigerous) cysts, and odontogenic keratocysts.

We then present benign solid tumors that represent a broad spectrum of lesions such as ameloblastomas, odontomas, ossifying fibromas, and periapical cemental dysplasia.

Malignant tumors are alo presented that often involve the mandible include squamous cell carcinomas, osteosarcomas, and metastatic tumors.

In addition, vascular lesions such as hemangiomas and arteriovenous malformations may develop, further expanding the differential diagnosis.
Conclusions: As mandibular lesions have a wide range of pathologic features but similar imaging appearances, familiarity with embryologic characteristics and secondary findings is crucial. Patient age at manifestation, prevalence, location within the mandible, cystic or solid appearance, border contour, and effect of the lesion on adjacent structures are all considerations in making the diagnosis. Despite this information, however, many lesions are impossible to differentiate without biopsy. In such cases, defining the degree of malignant potential is very helpful. Although imaging will not always provide a specific diagnosis, it should help narrow the differential diagnosis, thereby helping to guide patient treatment.
  • Biswas, Som  ( Le Bonheur Children's Hospital , Memphis , Tennessee , United States )
  • Sandhu, Preet  ( Le Bonheur Children's Hospital , Memphis , Tennessee , United States )
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Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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