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Final ID: Poster #: EDU-055

Lessons Learned from Multidisciplinary Arthroscopic-MR Correlation Conference for Retrospectively Identified Medial Meniscal Posterior Horn/Ramp Lesion Misses: Findings in Children and Adolescents Over the Last 5 Years

Purpose or Case Report: To illustrate the discrepancies between knee MRI reports and arthroscopy findings of posterior horn medial meniscal and meniscocapsular tears (ramp lesions) in children and adolescents. We retrospectively reviewed the available data from 912 patients between January 2018 and October 2022 from multidisciplinary monthly arthroscopic-MR correlation conferences, where we discussed discrepant findings between MRI knee reports and intra-operative arthroscopy findings, with focus on presence, location and type of posterior horn medial meniscal and posterior meniscocapsular tears. Results of secondary reviews of the MRI scans regarding under or over called diagnoses based on an arthroscopic reference standard were also available.
By sharing our experience and the lessons we have learned from these multidisciplinary conferences, we highlight the challenges that radiologists might face while diagnosing pediatric meniscal tears on MRI.
Methods & Materials:
  • Salman, Rida  ( Texas Children's Hospital , Houston , Texas , United States )
  • Kan, J.  ( Texas Children's Hospital , Houston , Texas , United States )
  • Jadhav, Siddharth  ( Texas Children's Hospital , Houston , Texas , United States )
  • Schallert, Erica  ( Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital , St Petersburg , Florida , United States )
  • Ditzler, Matthew  ( Texas Children's Hospital , Houston , Texas , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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