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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-036

Catch a Ride Through the Canal of Nuck to Explore Radiologic Imaging of Vulvar Region Pathologies

Purpose or Case Report:
The vulva can be affected by various pathologies in the pediatric population. The location results in this area being at the “edge of the film” and findings could be easily overlooked. The spectrum of pathologies ranges from benign causes such as trauma and infection to neoplasm and more rare diagnoses. For example, childhood asymmetry labium majus enlargement (CALME) is one entity which may not be as well recognized. Familiarity with these pathologies and their imaging characteristics is crucial for radiologists to provide guidance in clinical management and optimizing clinical outcomes. Imaging modalities such as ultrasound, CT and MRI are often essential in order to establish a diagnosis. The goal of this exhibit is to provide an illustrative review of the various pathologies that can be seen in the vulvar region in the pediatric population. A brief review of anatomy followed by a case-based presentation including congenital, infectious, inflammatory, trauma, neoplastic and idiopathic causes.

Congenital - Inguinal hernia through canal of Nuck
Infectious - Labial abscess, Labial cellulitis, Infected Bartholin cyst
Inflammatory - Recto cutaneous fistula within labium majus in patient with Crohn disease, Labial abscess with fistula
Trauma - Labial hematoma, Labial hematoma with active extravasation, Labial laceration
Tumors - Vulvar rhabdomyosarcoma
Idiopathic - Childhood asymmetrical labium majus enlargement
Methods & Materials:
  • Pouzar, Adela  ( BHSH Beaumont Health , Royal Oak , Michigan , United States )
  • Tominna, Marie  ( BHSH Beaumont Health , Royal Oak , Michigan , United States )
  • Brazier, Allan  ( BHSH Beaumont Health , Royal Oak , Michigan , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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