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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-062

Bone Dysplasias Manifesting in the Paediatric Foot and Ankle - Approach to Radiographic Features and Pattern Recognition

Purpose or Case Report: Bone dysplasias comprise a group of congenital disorders characterized by anomalies in the development or texture of bone and cartilage, which can cause significant morbidity and mortality. Achondroplasia is the commonest bone dysplasia associated with rhizomelic dwarfism and is non-lethal. Other commonly encountered bone dysplasias include pseudoachondroplasia, hypochondroplasia, the mucopolysaccharidoses as well as disorders of disorganized bone development (i.e. diaphyseal aclasia, Trevor disease, enchondromatosis) and of abnormal bone density (i.e osteogenesis imperfecta, osteopetrosis, osteopoikilosis, osteopathia striata and melorheostosis).

The radiological diagnosis of bone dysplasias relies heavily on pattern recognition of established skeletal changes, which is often made on plain radiographs or skeletal survey. Whilst the radiographic features of bone dysplasias are generally well described in the axial and appendicular skeleton, its appearances in the lower limb, particularly of the foot and ankle, are usually less conspicuous compared to the rest of the skeleton. Moreover, the radiographic features may also overlap between dysplasia subtypes or mimic metabolic conditions. As such, accurate detection of these features can be challenging. Hence, knowledge and recognition of the radiographic features of bone dysplasias and its mimics presenting in the foot and ankle is crucial in aiding timely diagnosis, especially when interpreted together with other skeletal changes occurring elsewhere. Moreover, as bone dysplasias may be associated with other congenital disorders, radiologists play an essential role in directing further investigations for definitive diagnosis.

Thus, the purpose of this educational exhibit is to review and familiarize radiologists with the radiographic features and pattern recognition of commonly encountered bone dysplasias occurring in the paediatric foot and ankle, so as to guide appropriate management, aimed at preventing disabling deformities.The radiographic features of the above conditions presenting in the paediatric foot and ankle will be discussed and illustrated.
Methods & Materials:
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Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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