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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: CR-019

Confounding Imaging Findings Due to Restricted Diffusion Caused by Delayed Inflammatory Reaction to Bioabsorbable Plates Used for Craniotomy in Patients Who Underwent Glial Tumor Resection

Purpose or Case Report: Herein, we present a case series of children who underwent glial tumor resection with bioabsorbable plates used for craniotomy closure. On follow up MRI as part of tumor surveillance, restricted diffusion was observed in the scalp and extradural space that was initially concerning for tumor recurrence/ seeding. However, after correlation with CT, the sites of restricted diffusion corresponded closely to the sites of bioabsorable plate placement. On additional follow up imaging, the restricted diffusion resolved nearly completely in all patients. Based on literature search and histopathology, we concluded that aforementioned findings are related to delayed inflammatory reaction to the bioabsorbable plates.
Methods & Materials:
Session Info:

Posters - Case Report


SPR Posters - Case Reports

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