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Final ID: Poster #: EDU-069

Pediatric Neuropathic Hip: A Case Series and Imaging Review

Purpose or Case Report: Neuropathic arthropathy (Charcot arthropathy) can be a late manifestation of multiple disease processes that impair sensation and proprioception. The findings are commonly present in adults with diabetes and entities such as tertiary syphilis and syringomyelia. We present the rare manifestation of Charcot arthropathy of the hip in two pediatric patients with a history of spina bifida, myelomeningocele, and Chiari malformation. Through a case series, this presentation will review the image findings, treatment, and pathophysiology of neuropathic arthropathy in the pediatric population.
Methods & Materials:
Conclusions: The treatment for Charcot arthropathy in the pediatric spina bifida population remains controversial. As such, treatment plans should be individually developed and discussed with each patient’s family.
  • Jones, Kathryn  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Roanoke , Virginia , United States )
  • Xie, Katherine  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Roanoke , Virginia , United States )
  • Kuester, Victoria  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Roanoke , Virginia , United States )
  • Woods, Pace  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Roanoke , Virginia , United States )
  • Dao, Vinh  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Roanoke , Virginia , United States )
  • Horstmann, Joanna  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Roanoke , Virginia , United States )
  • Mahdi, Eman  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Roanoke , Virginia , United States )
  • Mishra, Chakradhar  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Roanoke , Virginia , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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