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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-091

Simplifying Inner Ear Congenital Malformations

Purpose or Case Report: The inner ear malformations are intricate and challenging to interpret without knowledge of their developmental origins and structural approach. This exhibit aims to simplify the understanding of these anomalies by correlating them with embryological development and structural concepts.
We will start with a brief description of standard CT and MR protocols and normal inner ear anatomy. Then, we will systematically cover embryological development, potential pathologies, key imaging methods, and a helpful interpretation checklist for accurate diagnosis.
A comprehensive understanding of inner ear embryological development, combined with the use of standard protocols and a systematic anatomical approach, simplifies the interpretation of intricate congenital anatomy.
Methods & Materials:
  • Dola, Venkata  ( Children's National Hospital , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Singh, Navjot  ( Children's National Hospital , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Schroeder, Jason  ( Children's National Hospital , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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