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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-032

Congenital Infections: A Radiological Review with Emphasis on the Resurgence of Syphilis

Purpose or Case Report: Congenital infections or in utero infections results from a wide variety of pathogens. The most common ones are referred by the mnemonic TORCH infections. The manifestations of congenital infections are diverse, ranging from asymptomatic cases to severe, life-threatening conditions. Common presentations include neurological abnormalities, hearing and vision impairments, developmental delays, and growth problems.

This review aims to discuss the radiological manifestations of the TORCH infections with emphasis on the resurgence of syphilis as a significant concern within the realm of congenital infections. And in by doing so, underscore the critical role of radiology in facilitating early detection and enabling timely intervention.
Methods & Materials:
  • Thomas, Aby  ( University of Mississippi Medical Center , Madison , Mississippi , United States )
  • Steiner, Michael  ( University of Mississippi Medical Center , Madison , Mississippi , United States )
  • Teague, Clint  ( University of Mississippi Medical Center , Madison , Mississippi , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational

Fetal Imaging/Neonatal

SPR Posters - Educational

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Congenital Syphilis

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