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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-078

CSF Leak in the Pediatric Population: A Case-based Review and Imaging-based Diagnostic Algorithm

Purpose or Case Report: Intracranial hypotension is a condition caused by the loss of cerebrospinal fluid through either a dural defect, ruptured meningeal diverticulum, or CSF-venous fistula. In the past decade, this condition has been increasingly diagnosed in individuals suffering from orthostatic headaches. In adults, CSF leaks are commonly caused by dural defects due to a degenerative disc osteophyte violating the ventral dura. In the pediatric population, spontaneous leaks may occur in individuals with underlying connective tissue disease, or from venous/lymphatic malformations which approximate the spinal subarachnoid space. Most commonly, a CSF leak results in an “orthostatic headache” characterized by head pain which worsens upon sitting or standing and improves when lying flat. In addition to headache, patients can experience vestibulocochlear symptoms, changes in vision, forgetfulness, or personality changes. CSF leak localization usually requires dynamic myelography, performed using either digital subtraction or CT techniques. However, specific tailored MRI protocols can aid in the detection and characterization of leaks. Treatment options include percutaneous injection of autologous blood or fibrin sealant into the epidural space, embolization of draining veins, or primary surgical repair. The goal of this exhibit is to provide an illustrative review of the various pathologies that can cause CSF leak in the pediatric population. A review of anatomy and pathophysiology followed by a case-based presentation including congenital, iatrogenic, traumatic, and idiopathic causes will be presented. Both noninvasive and invasive imaging protocols will be discussed with a focus on minimizing radiation dose in the pediatric population.
Methods & Materials:
  • Jordan, Gregory  ( University of Colorado - Anschutz Medical Campus , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Hampton, Erica  ( University of Colorado - Anschutz Medical Campus , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Stence, Nicholas  ( Children's Hospital Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Milla, Sarah  ( Children's Hospital Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Callen, Andrew  ( University of Colorado - Anschutz Medical Campus , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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