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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: CR-024

Enchondroma Protuberans of the Right Index Finger

Purpose or Case Report: Enchondroma is a common benign cartilaginous tumor, thirty-five percent of which arise in the hand. Radiologically, they appear as well-defined, geographic osteolytic lesion, usually centrally located within the metadiaphysis, with the cortex remaining intact. However, enchondromas can expand through the cortex, becoming enchondroma protuberans, a rare subtype, forming an exophytic mass in the surrounding soft tissue. Radiologically, enchondroma protuberans typically appear as well-defined geographic, osteolytic intramedullary lesion that may have poorly defined matrix calcification combined with a cortical defect and well-defined round soft tissue expansion. MR imaging clearly delineates the connection between the intramedullary lesion and the exophytic protrusion through the cortical defect, resulting in a diagnosis of enchondroma protuberans. We present the case of a 12 year old male who successfully underwent excision of a right index finger bony lesion pathologically proven to be enchondroma protuberans.
Methods & Materials:
  • Farhat, Ahmed  ( West Virginia University School of Medicine , Morgantown , West Virginia , United States )
  • Huang, Pauline  ( NYITCOM , Old Westbury , New York , United States )
  • Servaes, Sabah  ( West Virginia University School of Medicine , Morgantown , West Virginia , United States )
  • Hailemichael, Eyassu  ( West Virginia University School of Medicine , Morgantown , West Virginia , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Case Report


SPR Posters - Case Reports

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