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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Congenital Fibrosarcoma
Showing 1 Abstract.

Ziehe Luis,  Garcia Bruce Cristian,  Esparza Olave Paulina,  Cossio María,  De Barbieri Florencia

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-030

Soft tissue tumours are uncommon in newborns and is a group of heterogenous group of anomalies, including benign vascular tumours, like hemangiomas with excellent prognosis or myofibroma that can regress spontaneously, intermedium lesions like tufted angioma and other far less common tumors, like fibrosarcoma and kaposiform hemangioendothelioma, with higher grades of malignancy and variable prognosis. Imaging evaluation is mostly performed with US and MRI. Other technics, like radiography or computed tomography have a limited role in the diagnosis. The purpose of this exhibit is to show and discuss clinical and imaging findings in different soft tissue tumors that may present in the newborn period.
Hemangiomas are by far the most common soft tissue tumours founded at this age, with characteristic clinical presentation and evolution and most of them do not need any imaging studies. The other tumors may have characteristic imaging findings that can lead to the correct diagnosis. However, management and diagnosis are often challenging and biopsy or even excision may be required for a definitive diagnosis. This exhibit will show examples of infantile hemangioma, kaposiform hemangioendothelioma, congenital fibrosarcoma, tufted angioma, myofibroma.
Pediatric radiologists should be familiar with the imaging findings in soft tissue masses in the neonatal period, and thus facilitate an early diagnosis, prevent unnecessary studies, and assess potential complications.
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Authors:  Ziehe Luis , Garcia Bruce Cristian , Esparza Olave Paulina , Cossio María , De Barbieri Florencia

Keywords:  kaposiform hemangioendothelioma, congenital fibrosarcoma, myofibroma