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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Showing 1 Abstract.

Wei Xin,  Thapa Mahesh,  Reed Robyn

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-020

A 14 year old male presented with a palpable, growing bump on the dorsal aspect of his left thumb since 1 year prior. Radiographs showed a large soft tissue mass dorsal to the interphalangeal joint of the left thumb with extension into the proximal phalanx. Contrast-enhanced MRI demonstrated the mass as mildly lobular and T2/STIR hyperintense, with internal septations and nodular wall enhancement. The lesion was biopsied and excised.

Final pathology results revealed an extraneural (soft tissue) perineurioma. Perineuriomas are very rare, usually benign peripheral nerve neoplasms composed of perineural cells. Because of the rarity of these lesions, advanced imaging with MRI becomes a useful tool in diagnosis, extent of disease, and surgical planning.
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Authors:  Wei Xin , Thapa Mahesh , Reed Robyn

Keywords:  perineurioma, perineuriomas, extraneural