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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-125

In the ER, Look and Listen for Most oBvious Signs! A systematic approach for evaluating pediatric chest radiographs in the acute setting

Purpose or Case Report: Chest radiographs remain the most frequently used examination in patients presenting with acute complains, adult and children alike. In many pediatric conditions, an abnormal finding on a chest radiograph may be the first clue available. In this educational exhibit, a systematic approach in the evaluation of pediatric chest radiographs is provided. With the use of mnemonic “In the ER, Look and Listen for Most oBvious Signs!”, the reader will navigate through the essential components of the evaluation with Exposure, Rotation, Lines, Lung fields, Mediastinum, Bones and Soft tissues.
Methods & Materials: Several examples of the common and uncommon abnormal findings are showcased under each component of the evaluation; examples include pneumonia, pleural effusion, viral process, lymphadenopathy, malpositioned lines/tubes, surfactant deficiency, pulmonary interstitial emphysema, pneumothorax, congenital heart disease, and etc. Several incidental findings which may have direct impact on patient’s care are also shown, such as healing rib fractures which may be suggestive of non-accidental injury, or a bifid manubrium which can be associated with Down’s syndrome.
Conclusions: Upon completion of this educational exhibit, the reader will be able to use our mnemonic to systematically evaluate a pediatric chest radiograph, and be refreshed with several common and uncommon pathologies in the pediatric population which may be discovered on a chest radiograph.
  • Pan, Patrick  ( University of California, Los Angeles , LOS ANGELES , California , United States )
  • Roth, Antoinette  ( Olive View - UCLA Medical Center , Sylmar , California , United States )
  • Chawla, Soni  ( Olive View - UCLA Medical Center , Sylmar , California , United States )
Session Info:

Electronic Exhibits - Educational

Thoracic Imaging

Scientific Exhibits - Educational

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