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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-042

Medial Elbow Injuries in the Pediatric and Adolescent Overhead Throwing Athlete: A Multimodality Imaging Review

Purpose or Case Report: Sports related elbow injuries are very common in the pediatric population. Overhead throwing athletes are at particular risk for elbow injury, notably affecting the medial elbow at site of excess valgus stress applied during the overhead throw. With the increasing competitiveness and high level of training in young athletes, these injuries are commonly encountered in the pediatric sports medicine and orthopedic surgery clinics. A comprehensive knowledge of medial elbow anatomy by the radiologist is crucial to assist in both the diagnosis and management of these patients. This review will cover acute and chronic stress injuries of the medial epicondyle, ulnar collateral ligament, common flexor tendon and ulnar nerve. A full spectrum of injuries will be addressed, utilizing US and MRI to assist with diagnosis and to guide management.

By completion of this exhibit, the learner will:
Review the anatomy of the medial elbow joint.
Be familiar with the injury patterns affecting the medial elbow in overhead throwing athletes.
Understand the utility of radiographs, MRI and dynamic and static US in making a diagnosis.
Visualize the technique for performing dynamic medial elbow ultrasound in the setting of ulnar collateral ligament injury and understand its implications for treatment.
Methods & Materials:
  • Leschied, Jessica  ( Henry Ford Health System , Macomb , Michigan , United States )
  • Scher, Courtney  ( Henry Ford Health System , Macomb , Michigan , United States )
  • Wood, Daniel  ( Henry Ford Health System , Macomb , Michigan , United States )
  • Davis, Will  ( Henry Ford Health System , Macomb , Michigan , United States )
  • Stock, Lee  ( Henry Ford Health System , Macomb , Michigan , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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