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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-005

Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Lymphangiography in Infants: How We Do It

Purpose or Case Report: Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR lymphangiography (DCEMRL) with intranodal injection has emerged as a useful tool in evaluating lymphatic disorders. We share our institutional experience with DCEMRL in infants through a detailed discussion of technique and series of case presentations.

Techniques for nodal access and imaging infants with DCEMRL are explained through text and step-by-step illustrations.

MR lymphangiography images of infants between 22 days and 8 weeks of age are presented with multi-modality correlation, including patients with congenital chylous ascites, non-immune fetal hydrops, and postsurgical chylothorax. Each case discussion includes a review of relevant lymphatic anatomy, explanation of the disease process, and key teaching points regarding DCEMRL in infants.
Methods & Materials:
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Posters - Educational

Fetal Imaging / Neonatal

SPR Posters - Educational

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