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Final ID: Poster #: EDU-014 (S)

Understanding the Graf Method and the Diagnosis of Hip Development Dysplasia

Purpose or Case Report: Hip ultrasonography is now considered the main method for screening, diagnosing and monitoring the treatment of development dysplasia of hip (DDH) in children, considering the advantages of the method and the excellent characterization of the anatomical elements of the infant hip which, at this stage of life, consists largely of cartilage. In 1980, Reinhard Graf, an Austrian pediatric orthopedist published child hip study work from about 20,000 stillbirths. He evaluated and studied through hip ultrasound the hip joint and determined in a single coronal section the hip classification. The purpose of this article is to explain in a didactic and detailed way the method of Graf, focusing on the reference points for its realization and proper interpretation.
Methods & Materials: A systematic literature review was performed, as well as compiled from the personal files database, exposing the detailed method and its difficulties.
Conclusions: Teaching messages: Evaluation of the pediatric patient with hip developmental dysplasia can be challenging, even for the subspecialty-trained radiologist. As the diagnosis and classification of the dislocated hips depend on the doctor who performs and interprets the exam, an article was made explaining in a didactic and detailed way the method of Graf, focusing on the reference points for its execution and proper interpretation. The detailed knowledge of the sonographic anatomy and the recognition of the main anatomical points allows to avoid the pitfalls and favors the accurate diagnosis
  • Motta, Giovanna  ( Centro de Aperfeiçoamento e Pesquisa em Ultrassonografia Prof. Dr. Giovanni Guido Cerri , São Paulo , Brazil )
  • Chiovatto, Alessandra  ( Centro de Aperfeiçoamento e Pesquisa em Ultrassonografia Prof. Dr. Giovanni Guido Cerri , São Paulo , Brazil )
  • Chiovatto, Eduardo  ( Centro de Aperfeiçoamento e Pesquisa em Ultrassonografia Prof. Dr. Giovanni Guido Cerri , São Paulo , Brazil )
  • Rocha, Lucas  ( Centro de Aperfeiçoamento e Pesquisa em Ultrassonografia Prof. Dr. Giovanni Guido Cerri , São Paulo , Brazil )
  • Abdala, João  ( Centro de Aperfeiçoamento e Pesquisa em Ultrassonografia Prof. Dr. Giovanni Guido Cerri , São Paulo , Brazil )
  • Iared, Wagner  ( Centro de Aperfeiçoamento e Pesquisa em Ultrassonografia Prof. Dr. Giovanni Guido Cerri , São Paulo , Brazil )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational (SLARP)


SPR Posters - Educational

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