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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: SCI-002

Coronary Arteries Evaluation in Congenital Heart Disease in Children: Diagnostic Comparison of ECG Gated and Non-ECG Gated CT Cardiac Angiography

Purpose or Case Report: To compare the visualization and anatomy of coronary arteries in children (<2 years) with congenital heart disease (CHD) on non-ECG gated and ECG gated computed tomography angiography (CTA).
Methods & Materials: In this retrospective study, approved by our institute ethics committee, evaluation of coronary arteries in CHD was performed in 40 children on non-ECG gated CT angiography and in 42 children on ECG gated CTA. The origin and course of the right coronary artery (RCA), left main coronary artery (LMCA), left anterior descending (LAD) artery and, left circumflex (LCX) artery was evaluated by two pediatric radiologists independently.
Results: ECG gated CT scans yielded increased (additional) visualization of all the coronary arteries, when compared to non-ECG gated CT scans. The RCA, LMCA, LAD artery, and LCX artery was visualized in 47.5%, 62.5%, 55%, and 32.5% children, respectively on non-ECG
gated studies, while they were visualized in 64.3%, 92.8%, 80.9%, and 62% children, respectively on ECG gated studies. The coronary artery anatomical variations were also supplementary detected in the ECG gated group (23.8%) than in the non-ECG gated group (2.5%).
Conclusions: ECG-gated CT cardiac angiography studies yield enhanced diagnostic outcomes for evaluation of the coronary arteries in comparison to the non-ECG gated studies.
  • Sodhi, Kushaljit  ( Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research , Chandigarh , Chandigarh , India )
  • Bhatia, Anmol  ( Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research , Chandigarh , Chandigarh , India )
  • Rana, Pratyaksha  ( Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research , Chandigarh , Chandigarh , India )
  • Farook, Shameema  ( Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research , Chandigarh , Chandigarh , India )
  • Saxena, Akshay  ( Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research , Chandigarh , Chandigarh , India )
  • Singh, Harkant  ( Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research , Chandigarh , Chandigarh , India )
  • Mishra, Anand  ( Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research , Chandigarh , Chandigarh , India )
  • Manoj, Rohit  ( Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research , Chandigarh , Chandigarh , India )
Session Info:

Posters - Scientific


SPR Posters - Scientific

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