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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-045

Pediatric Spinal Ultrasound in Neonates and Young Children: Pearls and Pitfalls

Purpose or Case Report: Ultrasound continues to be the first line modality for evaluation of spinal disorders in neonates and young children. The developing osseous anatomy of the spine in young infants provides a unique window allowing for a detailed depiction of the spinal canal and its contents. This exhibit will review the clinical indications, sonographic technique, normal anatomy, frequently encountered variants and pathology for imaging of the lumbosacral spine in neonates and young infants.
Methods & Materials: Case based examples will be used to illustrate an overview of anatomy of the pediatric spine on ultrasound. Normal anatomic and developmental variants that mimic pathologies will be highlighted. Case based examples of common and uncommon pathological processes of the spine will also be presented.
Results: Proper identification of the vertebral levels is crucial for determining the position of the conus medullaris. We discuss the different methods by which vertebral levels can be identified on ultrasound. The following pathologies will be discussed and illustrated with case examples: tethered cord, spinal dysraphism, spinal lipoma, diastematomyelia and dermal sinus tract. Correlative MR images will be used to reinforce anatomical information and spinal abnormalities noted on ultrasound. The technique of ultrasound guided lumbar puncture with illustrative examples is briefly discussed.
Conclusions: Ultrasound provides a safe, easy and inexpensive initial assessment of pediatric spine. Diagnostic performance of ultrasound in neonates matches that of MRI, which remains the gold standard.
  • Gupta, Kanika  ( Banner University Medical Center Tuscon , Tucson , Arizona , United States )
  • Becker, Jennifer  ( Banner University Medical Center Tuscon , Tucson , Arizona , United States )
  • Chandra, Tushar  ( Nemours Children's Clinic , Orlando , Florida , United States )
  • Udayasankar, Unni  ( Banner University Medical Center Tuscon , Tucson , Arizona , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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