<b>Acute appendicitis represents an important cause of abdominal pain in pediatric patients. Although imaging plays an increasingly important role in the rapid diagnosis and management of this condition, there is no universally accepted strategy for imaging children suspected of having acute appendicitis. Ultrasound and computed tomography have been used most commonly, but there is rising interest in the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) due to its lack of ionizing radiation or need for intravenous contrast. Recent research has shown that MRI has high diagnostic performance when employed as a first-line test. However, when considering the generalizability of MRI outside of a specialized tertiary care center, the question of operator dependence arises. To determine the performance of MRI when interpreted by readers with limited experience, we performed a retrospective review of preliminary MRI interpretations rendered by radiology residents at our institution, compared with final (attending radiologist) interpretations.</b> Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Sawyer David, Mushtaq Raza, Vedantham Srinivasan, Udayasankar Unni
Keywords: Acute appendicitis, Magnetic resonance imaging
Ultrasound continues to be the first line modality for evaluation of spinal disorders in neonates and young children. The developing osseous anatomy of the spine in young infants provides a unique window allowing for a detailed depiction of the spinal canal and its contents. This exhibit will review the clinical indications, sonographic technique, normal anatomy, frequently encountered variants and pathology for imaging of the lumbosacral spine in neonates and young infants. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2022 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2022
Authors: Gupta Kanika, Becker Jennifer, Chandra Tushar, Udayasankar Unni
Keywords: Pediatric, Spinal Cord, Tethered cord
<b>Acute colocolic intussusception is a rare in the pediatric population and generally involves a pathologic lead point, which usually necessitates surgical or endoscopic intervention. No prior published reports have demonstrated presurgical imaging findings of colonic polyp in cases of pediatric colocolic intussusceptions. </b><b>We will present two pediatric cases from our institution that feature colocolic intussusception with an intestinal polyp as a lead point, with a goal to demonstrate specific sonographic and MR findings.</b> Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Steinmeyer Laura, Desoky Sarah, Gilbertsondahdal Dorothy, Morello Frank, Udayasankar Unni
Keywords: intussusception, colonic, polyp
Adnexal torsion is a common emergency room query in young girls and teenagers presenting with pelvic pain. It is a consequence of an underlying adnexal lesion or to anatomical laxity of the suspensory/anchoring ligaments. Clinical symptoms at presentation can be confusing and nonspecific, yet prompt diagnosis and surgical intervention are essential to save the adnexa. Radiology plays a crucial role in the diagnosis of adnexal torsion. Our exhibit will review and promote the rapid MRI as the first line, one-stop imaging in the diagnosis of adnexal torsion and other causes of pelvic pain. Some cases will be presented with initial ultrasound images and demonstrate how MRI increased the confidence in the diagnosis. All presented cases have pathology correlation and or operative reports and follow-up imaging. We will show various cases of ovarian and tubal torsions and their mimickers. In particular, we include torsions due to anatomical laxity of the suspensory ligaments, resulting from tubo-ovarian cysts and solid adnexal masses as well as cases of isolated tubal torsions. <b>Table of Contents/Outline:</b> Review of the embryology and anatomy of adnexa including suspensory/ anchoring ligaments. Review pathophysiology and progression of ovarian torsion Review rapid motion insensitive high-resolution MRI protocol for adnexal torsion Review hallmark imaging findings of adnexal torsion with MRI (with accompanying ultrasound comparison in some cases) Review MRI findings of adnexal viability and demise Review multiple MRI examples of adnexal torsion and its mimickers Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2019 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2019
Authors: Karakas S Pinar, Udayasankar Unni, Park Ellen S, Kammen Bamidele, Su Wendy, Kim Sunghoon, Hui Thomas, Chung Taylor
Keywords: Adnexal Torsion, Tubal Torsion, Rapid MRI