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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-067

More Than Just Suprasellar and Pineal Region Masses: A Review of Imaging Findings Associated with Intracranial Germ Cell Tumors

Purpose or Case Report: The spectrum of imaging findings associated with intracranial germ cell tumors extends well beyond the typical suprasellar and/or pineal region masses. It is imperative that radiologists who interpret pediatric neuroimaging studies be familiar with the range of imaging findings associated with intracranial germ cell tumors, particularly as the appropriate suggestion of germ cell tumor as a diagnosis can have a significant impact on the initial surgical plan. In our case series we will review the typical imaging (CT and MRI) findings of both germinoma and nongerminomatous germ cell tumors, including metastasis and local invasion/extension. We will also review how intracranial germ cell tumors can be multifocal and how they can involve unusual areas such as the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and septal leaflets. MR spectroscopic findings associated with pediatric intracranial germ cell tumors will also be reviewed, including how these findings can be very helpful to differentiate from other similar-appearing pathologies. Finally, we will briefly discuss the treatment and prognosis of intracranial germ cell tumors.
Methods & Materials:
  • Aviado, Randy  ( Virginia Commonwealth University Health System , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Vorona, Gregory  ( Virginia Commonwealth University Health System , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Tye, Gary  ( Virginia Commonwealth University Health System , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Ritter, Ann  ( Virginia Commonwealth University Health System , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Wang, Zhihong  ( Virginia Commonwealth University Health System , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Mahdi, Eman  ( Virginia Commonwealth University Health System , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Mishra, Chakradhar  ( Virginia Commonwealth University Health System , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Jones, Kathryn  ( Virginia Commonwealth University Health System , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Urbine, Jacqueline  ( Virginia Commonwealth University Health System , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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