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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-090

Brain Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury (HII) in Preterm and Term Neonates

Purpose or Case Report: Brain hypoxic-ischemic injury (HII) is a devastating injury that results in death or profound long-term neurologic disability in both children and adults. Treatment is mostly supportive, including hypothermia and administration of excitatory amino acid antagonists, with a limited window of effectiveness (as little as 6 hours), making early detection of injury critically important. Neuroimaging with Ultrasound, CT, and MRI has become increasingly valuable in the work-up of patients with HII.

In this educational exhibit we will: a) review the pathophysiologic features and factors that influence the pattern of injury, b) discuss the specific imaging patterns in preterm and term neonates, c) review the imaging approach and highlight the role of advanced MRI techniques such as MR spectroscopy, DWI/ADC, and ASL perfusion in the evaluation process. Finally, we will briefly elaborate on the therapeutic hypothermia in HII, and the influence on imaging findings.
Methods & Materials:
  • Aviado, Randy  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Clark, Keaira  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Mahdi, Eman  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Nada, Ayman  ( University of Missouri , Columbia , Missouri , United States )
  • Mishra, Chakradhar  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Jones, Kathryn  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
  • Urbine, Jacqueline  ( Children's Hospital of New Orleans , New Orleans , Louisiana , United States )
  • Vorona, Gregory  ( Virginia Commonwealth University , Richmond , Virginia , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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