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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-034

The Still Abdomen: Review of the Causes of Paucity of Bowel Gas on Abdominal Radiography in the Neonate

Purpose or Case Report: Causes of paucity of bowel gas in the neonate abdomen can vary widely. This case series will review common and uncommon causes of paucity of bowel gas on abdominal radiography in the newborn as well as further imaging strategies to achieve a rapid diagnosis. Entities range from solid organ enlargement and masses as well as diseases of bowel origin. Evaluation of the most common causes of the lack of bowel gas with x-ray, ultrasound and fluoroscopy can lead to rapid diagnosis and treatment, especially if not prenatally diagnosed. This series will also discuss the utility of post-natal CT and/or MRI in select cases.
Methods & Materials: Review of numerous cases of neonates with a paucity of bowel gas.
Conclusions: A dedicated approach to the neonatal abdominal radiograph with a paucity of bowel gas can lead to a rapid diagnosis that can help with real-time medical and surgical managment.
Session Info:

Posters - Educational

Fetal Imaging/Neonatal

SPR Posters - Educational

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