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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-023

Pediatric Radiology Advocacy and Research - The Crossover We Didn't Know We Needed

Purpose or Case Report: Advocacy is the act of supporting or defending a specific cause or issue, with the aim of raising public awareness, garnering support, or influencing policy. Traditionally, it has not been included in the pediatric radiology training curriculum or regarded as a conventional academic pursuit. However, we believe it to be a vital aspect of a pediatric radiologist, regardless of their rank or clinical setting. Research efforts can provide support and validate for advocacy processes by generating evidence and measuring their impact and outcomes. We consider that encouraging these efforts is essential for “demystifying’ and better integrating it into academic life.
Methods & Materials: In this educational presentation, we outline an eight-step approach to advocacy that may serve as a guideline for radiologists looking to address critical healthcare policy and practice issues. This approach involves defining the issue, setting clear objectives, collecting data, identifying stakeholders, engaging in effective communication, taking advocacy actions, monitoring progress of projects, and ensuring long-term sustainability. Additionally, this exhibit introduces the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF), a theoretical model that explores how stakeholders like interest groups, experts, and policymakers, form coalitions to shape policies.
Conclusions: We employ both these approaches to analyze contemporary issues in radiology advocacy, including the promotion of transparency in regulatory bodies regarding the use of AI algorithms in pediatric cohorts and the challenge of reversing the implementation of Designated Diagnostic Provider Programs, which may restrict access to imaging for the pediatric population.
  • Yaya, Carlos  ( Children's Hospital of Philadelphia , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , United States )
  • Miranda Schaeubinger, Monica  ( Children's Hospital of Philadelphia , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , United States )
  • Morales-tisnés, Tatiana  ( Children's Hospital of Philadelphia , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , United States )
  • Otero, Hansel  ( Children's Hospital of Philadelphia , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , United States )
  • Annam, Aparna  ( Children's Hospital Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Acharya, Patricia  ( Children's Hospital Los Angeles , Los Angeles , California , United States )
  • Joshi, Aparna  ( University of Michigan , Ann Arbor , Michigan , United States )
Session Info:

Posters - Educational

Education, Professionalism, QI, or Healthcare Policy

SPR Posters - Educational

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