Access to healthcare, and in particular to pediatric subspecialties, including pediatric radiology, is limited. Increasingly limited access creates or accentuates preexisting disparities and injustices. However, because of the complexity of the issue, it is difficult to objectively study and quantify it. This exhibit will describe current barriers to pediatric radiology access, available research tools and methodologies that can help us measure the impact of such barriers. Then, we propose a research agenda to systematically approach the problem. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Morales-tisnés Tatiana, Miranda Schaeubinger Monica, Yaya Carlos, Milla Sarah, Heller Richard, Otero Hansel
Keywords: Pediatric radiology, Access to healthcare, Research agenda
Advocacy is the act of supporting or defending a specific cause or issue, with the aim of raising public awareness, garnering support, or influencing policy. Traditionally, it has not been included in the pediatric radiology training curriculum or regarded as a conventional academic pursuit. However, we believe it to be a vital aspect of a pediatric radiologist, regardless of their rank or clinical setting. Research efforts can provide support and validate for advocacy processes by generating evidence and measuring their impact and outcomes. We consider that encouraging these efforts is essential for “demystifying’ and better integrating it into academic life. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Yaya Carlos, Miranda Schaeubinger Monica, Morales-tisnés Tatiana, Otero Hansel, Annam Aparna, Acharya Patricia, Joshi Aparna
Keywords: Pediatric radiology, Advocacy, Public Health
Pediatric kidney abnormalities, such as urinary tract dilation (UTD), are common, and current reporting methods vary significantly. There's a need for more precise evaluation methods. Using automated 3D kidney volume measurements from ultrasound (US) offers an alterantive objective approach. Our aim is to evaluate the diagnostic potential of automated 3D kidney volume measurements for detecting and categorizing UTD, comparing their accuracy with clinical assessment. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Sultan Laith, Morales-tisnés Tatiana, Rouet Laurence, Jago James, Sridharan Anush, Otero Hansel, Darge Kassa, Back Susan
Keywords: Urinary tract dilation, 3D ultrasound, Diagnostic model
Infantile myofibromatosis is rare. The generalized form affects the integument and musculoskeletal system as well as multiple visceral organs and can impair organ function, thus requiring prompt diagnosis and treatment at an early age. As a disease that presents before the age of two years, minimizing use of CT and MRI is imperative to reduce radiation and gadolinium contrast use, respectively. We present a case of a neonate in whom multiple cutaneous and an appendiceal lesion raised the suspicion of infantile myofibromatosis. Multiple liver lesions were seen on gray-scale ultrasound. On contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), there were multiple, differently-enhancing liver lesions, a finding which was confirmed on MRI with hepatocyte specific contrast. These were all thought to represent myofibromas with complete involution following low dose chemotherapy. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Davis Laura, Morales-tisnés Tatiana, Lerebo Wondwossen, Barz Leahy Allison, Ntoulia Aikaterini, Dennis Rebecca, Anupindi Sudha, Darge Kassa, Back Susan
Keywords: myofibromatosis, contrast ultrasound, CEUS
We aim to assess the agreement between semi-automated segmented 3D ultrasound (US) and functional magnetic resonance urography (fMRU) for renal parenchymal volume in children with urinary tract dilation (UTD). Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025
Authors: Morales-tisnés Tatiana, Morgan Trudy, Sultan Laith, Elsingergy Mohamed, Srinivasan Arun, Sridharan Anush, Otero Hansel, Darge Kassa, Back Susan
Keywords: 3D Ultrasound, MRU, UTD