Pediatric chronic liver disease (CLD) poses a significant clinical challenge, necessitating precise diagnostic tools for comprehensive evaluation. Microvascular perfusion abnormalities play a pivotal role in disease progression. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) detects the flow in the micro-vessels, however, objective means are needed for better understanding. In this study we evaluate a novel quantitative method utilizing CEUS for assessing microvascular perfusion in pediatric patients with CLD. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Venkatakrishna Shyam Sunder, Sultan Laith, Gabbert Morgan, Morgan Trudy, Anupindi Sudha
Keywords: Liver microvasculature, Contrast enhanced ultrasound, image analysis
Demonstrate the breadth and value of integrating a human factors engineer into a pediatric radiology department. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2023 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2023
Authors: Larsen Ethan, Miranda Schaeubinger Monica, Won James, Sze Raymond, Anupindi Sudha
Keywords: Quality, Safety, Human Factors
Radiologists spend a disproportionate amount of time at their PACS workstations, both in the hospital and at home. While many institutions have deployed basic ergonomic accommodations such as high quality chairs and adjustable desks, they continue to use basic keyboards and mice with minimal supportive technologies. Research in other domains has shown that providing workers with control over their environment can result in improvement in wellness and potential reduction in burnout, along with bolstering productivity. We aim to examine of the benefits relative to costs of giving radiologists control over the types of ergonomic equipment and inclusion of supportive hardware for their work. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Larsen Ethan, Jalloul Mohammad, Parmar Sweta, Kaplan Summer, Anupindi Sudha
Keywords: Ergonomics, Human Factors
Reading Room Coordinators (RRCs) are crucial for radiology department operations. Studies have shown the positive impact of RRCs in improving workflow efficiency for radiologists. Despite their critical role in facilitating communication and minimizing disruptions to radiologists’, RRCs often experience significant workflow interruptions, primarily due to constant phone calls and multitasking demands. Our practice’s RRCs receive ~7700 inbound calls per week in addition to all outbound calls, emails, and legal requests. These interruptions may impact radiologists, radiology operations, other hospital departments, and patients and families downstream. We examined the barriers affecting RRC workflow using the SEIPS (Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety) framework from human factors (HF). We implemented interventions to overcome those barriers to increase efficiency, reduce interruptions, and improve the work environment. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025
Authors: Parmar Sweta, Liu Ray, Larsen Ethan, Macon Reyna, Nigro Alessandria, Silvestro Elizabeth, Anupindi Sudha
Keywords: Workload, Wellness, Improvement
Infantile myofibromatosis is rare. The generalized form affects the integument and musculoskeletal system as well as multiple visceral organs and can impair organ function, thus requiring prompt diagnosis and treatment at an early age. As a disease that presents before the age of two years, minimizing use of CT and MRI is imperative to reduce radiation and gadolinium contrast use, respectively. We present a case of a neonate in whom multiple cutaneous and an appendiceal lesion raised the suspicion of infantile myofibromatosis. Multiple liver lesions were seen on gray-scale ultrasound. On contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), there were multiple, differently-enhancing liver lesions, a finding which was confirmed on MRI with hepatocyte specific contrast. These were all thought to represent myofibromas with complete involution following low dose chemotherapy. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Davis Laura, Morales-tisnés Tatiana, Lerebo Wondwossen, Barz Leahy Allison, Ntoulia Aikaterini, Dennis Rebecca, Anupindi Sudha, Darge Kassa, Back Susan
Keywords: myofibromatosis, contrast ultrasound, CEUS
Teaching fluoroscopy skills remains an ongoing challenge in pediatric radiology education. Radiologists must be competent to perform a wide range of fluoroscopy procedures and are often required to teach these clinical skills to their peers, junior staff, and students. Teaching procedural skills through frameworks, observation, and feedback, with opportunities for repeated practice, assists in the learner’s acquisition and retention of skills. Fluoroscopy presents patient safety and ethical challenges as “practicing” this skill on patients requires ionizing radiation exposure and often invasive procedures. Through this educational exhibit, we describe a proposed program to improve skill performance, determine competency, and provide feedback. To improve voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) training two patient models were created for bladder catheterization with different grades of vesicoureteral reflux using 3D printing and silicon rubber. Additional educational materials, including videos and graphical representations, were created to better help the learner understand the steps of the VCUG protocol. A three-component curriculum included 1) Knowledge (indications, contraindications, complications); 2) Communication (with patient and family, with fluoroscopy team); and 3) Performance of the skill (preparation before commencing, steps and dexterity, immediate aftercare of the patient). We modeled our evaluation of the learner from Peyton’s four-step approach to skills teaching (Demonstration, Deconstruction, Formulation, and Performance) to teach the physical performance of the fluoroscopy procedure. Feedback was provided to the learners using the Pendleton Feedback Model. Finally, competency was assessed using the Framework for clinical assessment developed by Miller. This educational exhibit aims to provide radiologists in training with an alternative learning curriculum to better understand and evaluate the steps of the VCUG and its performance on patients in a simulated setting before being performed on patients. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Veselis Clinton, Venkatakrishna Shyam Sunder, Silvestro Elizabeth, Bennett Brittany, Srinivasan Abhay, Acord Michael, Sze Raymond, Reid Janet, Anupindi Sudha
Keywords: Voiding cystourethrogram, VCUG, Fluoroscopy