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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Showing 17 Abstracts.

Afonya Boma,  Kandil Ali,  Mahmoud Mohamed,  Das Bobby,  Fleck Robert

Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 079

Administering oral contrast less than two hours before sedation/anesthesia is often needed for computed tomography (CT) studies of the abdomen in children, but violates the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) nothing-by-mouth guidelines and may increase the risk of aspiration pneumonia. ASA guidelines are based on gastric aspiration. Oral contrast is best administered 1 hour prior to imaging for optimal abdominal CT evaluation. The aim of our study was to measure residual gastric fluid volume (RGV) by CT and with manual aspiration in subjects undergoing general anesthesia (GA) less than 2 hours after oral contrast. Read More

Authors:  Afonya Boma , Kandil Ali , Mahmoud Mohamed , Das Bobby , Fleck Robert

Keywords:  Anesthesia, Enteric Contrast, Safety

Mwango Gladys,  Nyabanda Rose,  Kawooya Michael

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-087

Radiation safety is a critical component in pediatric imaging. In Africa, radiation-safety is championed by the AFROSAFE campaign under the umbrella of the African Society of Radiology (ASR). AFROSAFE was launched on 17th February, 2015 during the 8th biennial Pan African Congress of Radiology and Imaging (PACORI) which was held in Nairobi, Kenya. The mission of AFROSAFE is to ensure favorable benefit-risk ratio in the use of ionizing radiation in medicine through encouraging adherence to safety standards and guidelines as per the “Bonn Call for Action”. Through this Campaign, all the radiation health workers of Africa have agreed to unite with the common goal of identifying and addressing issues arising from radiation protection in medicine.

This is an educational poster that outlines the signifcant Milestones AFROSAFE has achieved one year later, the pertinent issues, challenges and success.
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Authors:  Mwango Gladys , Nyabanda Rose , Kawooya Michael

Keywords:  AFROSAFE, radiation safety, Africa

Kalsi Ishar

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-015

Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanning techniques have caused concern in both the general population and scientific community about their safety. Studies published in the past have called to question the current techniques and sequences used in fetal MRI from a safety perspective. Namely, noise of scanning sequences, specific absorption rate, heating of the fetus, and utility of MRI to detect Zika virus induced malformations in relation to practices of safety in the recent Zika virus outbreak. Read More

Authors:  Kalsi Ishar

Keywords:  MRI, Safety, Fetal

Albers Brittany,  Shah Chetan

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-081

Gadolinium based contrast agents have been used in pediatric neuroradiology for years and are thought to be safe when administered appropriately. However, it has been discovered that gadolinium used in routine clinical practice results in gadolinium deposition in the even in patients with normal renal function. No studies have addressed gadolinium deposition in the soft tissues of pediatric patients or its potential ill-effects. The potential for harm may exist. We reviewed our gadolinium use in the follow up of pediatric primary intracranial neoplasms. Read More

Authors:  Albers Brittany , Shah Chetan

Keywords:  contrast, safety, malignancy, gadolinium, follow-up

Downs Elissa,  Baldridge Alan,  Dietz Kelly

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-020

Gastrojejunostomy (GJ) tubes are a convenient way to provide nutrition to children with complex medical issues. A known complication is development of a small bowel intussusception. We perceived an increase in GJ tube intussusceptions (GJIs) at our quaternary care hospital. The purpose of our study was to identify cases of GJI, risk factors for development, and determine if there was a safety device issue. Read More

Authors:  Downs Elissa , Baldridge Alan , Dietz Kelly

Keywords:  Gastrojejunostomy, Intussusception, Safety

Ambrosio Miguel Angel,  Hidalgo-tobon Silvia

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-021 (S)

En este trabajo se expone la instrumentacion basica que tiene un equipo de resonancia magnetica. Los cables que pudieran utilizarse durante un estudio de RM, como oximetros, monitores fisiologicos, o dispositivos electronicos. Se explica la variacion de los campos magneticos de RF al utilizar secuencias de pulsos, el mecanismo de induccion de corriente en el tejido humano. Y se dan recomendaciones para prevenir accidentes y probables quemaduras asociadas a procedimientos mal realizados durante un estudio de RM. Read More

Authors:  Ambrosio Miguel Angel , Hidalgo-tobon Silvia

Keywords:  safety, mri, MRI

Raymer Trista,  Jones Richard,  Grattan-smith Damien

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-008 (R)

MRI safety guidelines are established by the American College of Radiology. Maintaining these strict guidelines in the intra-operative environment presents unique challenges. The purpose of this submission is to outline and explain the additional safety measures required when using an IMRI in which the scanner moves in and out of the operating room.
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Authors:  Raymer Trista , Jones Richard , Grattan-smith Damien

Keywords:  MRI Safety, IMRI

Shekdar Karuna,  Simon Schwartz Erin

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-092

To review magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) safety considerations in pediatric patients with cochlear implants (CIs) and to demonstrate feasibility of safely performing MRI of the brain in pediatric patients with CIs that have been deemed MRI conditional by the manufacturer.
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Authors:  Shekdar Karuna , Simon Schwartz Erin

Keywords:  MRI, cochlear implants, safety

Shah Summit,  Rusin Jerome,  Krishnamurthy Rajesh,  Adler Brent H.

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-052

RADPEER has been criticized for lack of clinical implications, yet few studies have compared RADPEER to alternative peer-review systems or correlated peer review scores with changes in patient management. We aimed to implement a pediatric subspecialty over-read program and compare RADPEER to a Clinical Outcomes Scale, which graded impact on patient outcomes. Read More

Authors:  Shah Summit , Rusin Jerome , Krishnamurthy Rajesh , Adler Brent H.

Keywords:  Quality, Safety, Neuroradiology

Seals Kevin,  Tesoriero Joseph,  Cagnon Christopher,  Boechat Ines,  Ghahremani Shahnaz,  Iskander Paul

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-097

We developed a free iOS application, RADiDOC, with the goal of simplifying the complex subject of medical radiation risk for pediatric patients and their parents. Utilization of medical imaging has risen over the past decade, making the topic of radiation safety an increasingly important issue that is increasingly featured in the popular media. Furthermore, given the unique risk profile of radiation exposure in the pediatric age group, there has been increased focus on the judicious use of ionizing radiation in the imaging of children. These efforts have resulted in the Image Gently campaign, which has offered an immense contribution to pediatric radiation safety issues.

In keeping with these efforts, we created the RADiDOC application to help pediatric patients and their parents understand key radiation safety information in a simple, intuitive way. To meet these ends, RADiDOC was created with three core functionality modes: (1) Consultation, (2) Radiation Log, and (3) Radiation 101. Consultation mode allows users to explore a multitude of imaging studies and image-guided procedures and learn about their associated radiation risk, including quantitative cancer risk estimated using the BIER VII dataset. To be more meaningful to patients, dose is described not only in terms of “effective dose” and its associated ACR category, but also in terms of intuitive measures such as the equivalent number of transatlantic flights and days of natural sun exposure. The Radiation Log mode allows patients or their parents to log additive radiation risk from all imaging received in their lifetime, creating a longitudinal radiation log of lifetime exposure. This may be of particular interest to pediatric oncology patients who receive long-term serial imaging. Finally, Radiation 101 offers a primer on the basics of radiation safety and radiation physics aimed at a broad audience of laypeople.

RADiDOC offers a free resource to facilitate the discussion of radiation risk between pediatric radiologists, clinicians, pediatric patients, and their parents. In this Technical Development presentation, we review key radiation safety concepts and elaborate on the core functionalities of this application and how it can be of use to pediatrics radiologists and their patients.
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Authors:  Seals Kevin , Tesoriero Joseph , Cagnon Christopher , Boechat Ines , Ghahremani Shahnaz , Iskander Paul

Keywords:  Radiation, Radiation Dose, Radiation Safety

Bushur Katherine

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-005 (T)

In 2016, we focused on MRI safety and the inherent cultural barriers to reduce the risk of undetected or misplaced metal objects causing MRI accidents. We successfully addressed this opportunity using a coordinated approach with Patient Safety, Performance Improvement and Radiology Leadership to provide a multi-faceted solution.
Despite implementation of ferromagnetic detection systems (FMDS) technology, numerous gaps in screening effectiveness were identified. Three primary improvement objectives were established involving place, people and process leading to 42 new practice changes that were implemented, and 68 existing process improvements instituted. Alarm fatigue was one among many identified risks. Variables included the physical location of the projectile on the transport person, as well as the horizontal or vertical orientation of potential hazard while being carried were identified during a series of nine standardized PDSA testing sessions that were completed in the clinical setting.
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Authors:  Bushur Katherine

Keywords:  MRI Safety, Ferromagnetic detection, projectile hazards

Garza Michelle,  Karastanovic Merima,  O'brien Ellen,  Naselli Adamski Katherine

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-02 (R)

The purpose of this education is to provide direct practical experience using a simulator to Radiographers on catheterizing the female pediatric patient. The simulator will allow the Radiographer to develop the skills and techniques required for the procedure without exposing patients to unnecessary risks. Read More

Authors:  Garza Michelle , Karastanovic Merima , O'brien Ellen , Naselli Adamski Katherine

Keywords:  Simulator, Safety, Risk, catheterizing

Ng Elaine,  Murray Darlene,  Navarro Oscar,  Stimec Jennifer

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-055

Simulation-based education allows for experiential learning to practice and reinforce the CanMEDS roles1 (as medical expert, communicator and collaborator) in the management of rare events such as medical emergencies in Pediatric Radiology and situations related to patient safety (such as disclosure of adverse events and discussions related to consent). Our objective was to create a simulation workshop to address these education gaps and to determine feasibility, acceptance and educational value as perceived by the participants. Read More

Authors:  Ng Elaine , Murray Darlene , Navarro Oscar , Stimec Jennifer

Keywords:  Patient Safety, Pediatric Radiology, Resuscitation

Bennett Brittany,  Larsen Ethan,  Prodigios Joice,  Silvestro Elizabeth

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-012

Magnetic Resonance (MR) safety education is essential to protect patients and staff from hazards, especially by preventing ferrous items from entering Zones 3 (control and changing areas) and 4 (magnet room). To address this, our MR Safety Committee focused on improving safety signage. A Radiology Human Factors Engineer (HFE) observed staff interactions within MR zones, focusing on adherence to entrance screening protocols. The observations revealed that non-MR medical professionals, less familiar with safety protocols, could unintentionally enter with hazardous items, and that staff may check on their first entry, but forget to check again on subsequent re-entry. Therefore, new signage needed to be eye-catching and memorable.
In 2023, the committee introduced "Tess" (short for Tesla), a life-size cardboard cutout of an MR Safety mascot. Tess, a cartoon MR technologist in scrubs, highlights common ferrous items staff should check for, head-to-toe. She holds a sign reading, “You are about to enter Zone 3: Are you CLEAR?” followed by the item list and CLEAR acronym’s safety instructions. The concept, acronym, and design were developed by the HFE with input from the MR team and digitally rendered by a medical illustrator using Adobe Illustrator 2023. The design adheres to the hospital’s branding and was printed by an external vendor.
Tess was placed at the Zone 3 entrance in three different MR areas. After positive feedback from technologists and committee members, the Facilities team expanded Tess’s presence by adding her to large vinyl signs on Zone 4 doors where she points to frequently overlooked ferrous items.
During the 2024 MR Safety Week, Tess was central to hands-on education. Radiology interns 3D-printed the ferrous items Tess highlights, allowing staff to physically engage with the mascot and remove the items. This interactive approach drew participants in to spread awareness of MR safety practices.
Tess was also integrated into the hospital’s online MR safety training module, developed by the Digital Learning team. In this module, users drag items from Tess’s pockets, hair, and hands into a designated locker, reinforcing the habit of checking for those ferrous objects.
We are monitoring Tess’s impact on compliance and safety and believe she could be adapted for use in other high-risk areas, such as operating rooms and interventional radiology suites, where strict safety protocols are crucial.
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Authors:  Bennett Brittany , Larsen Ethan , Prodigios Joice , Silvestro Elizabeth

Keywords:  Quality And Safety, Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Farkas Amy,  Lirette Seth,  Powell Stella,  Howard Candace,  Dillard Austin

Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 176

Critical alert systems have been implemented to assist radiologists in contacting clinicians and documenting critical findings on imaging. These systems serve as a safety net for patients, facilitating timely, accurate communication of findings. The purpose of this study was to review the critical findings sent through the messaging system at a children’s hospital to determine utilization by radiologists and providers. Read More

Authors:  Farkas Amy , Lirette Seth , Powell Stella , Howard Candace , Dillard Austin

Keywords:  Critical finding, Safety