Aquino Michael, Koberlein George
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-098
Access to timely and accurate interpretation of imaging studies is critical to ensure quality care. This has driven demand for 24/7 radiology coverage. Examples of coverage models and solutions to logistical and financial challenges of providing around-the-clock real-time radiology services can be helpful as more children's hospitals move toward meeting this demand. The purpose of this exhibit is to describe the practice model used to provide after-hours pediatric radiology coverage at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. Read More
Authors: Aquino Michael , Koberlein George
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-09 (R)
It has become challenging for pediatric imaging centers to keep up with the various national requirements regarding quality of patient care and safety issued by the Joint Commission and others. The American College of Radiology’s Diagnostic Imaging Center of Excellence program provides an avenue for pediatric radiology departments to demonstrate their qualifications of personnel, policies and procedures, equipment specifications, quality assurance activities, patient safety, image quality and the quality of patient care. Read More
Authors: Clavijo Rebecca
Keywords: Quality
Moon John, Li Hanzhou, Yang Ling, Yang Yinghua, Kadom Nadja
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-011
To evaluate and quantify the use of uncertainty language in pediatric radiology report impressions, focusing on variation of uncertainty by modality, patient demographics, and care setting. Read More
Authors: Moon John , Li Hanzhou , Yang Ling , Yang Yinghua , Kadom Nadja
Keywords: Radiologist Reporting Styles, Quality Improvement, Language
Shah Summit, Mcgonagill Phillip, Hu Houchon, Sankaran Akila, Krishnamurthy Rajesh, Krishnamurthy Ramkumar
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-030
The likelihood of sedation for an MRI exam in a patient under 8 years is high. Disadvantages of sedation usage include direct complications, suspected long-term effects, and higher costs. Sedation reduction techniques include the use of an MRI simulator, accelerated MRI scans, abbreviated protocols, and swaddle and sleep techniques. We evaluated the clinical image quality and cost effectiveness associated with an MRI simulator training program. Read More
Authors: Shah Summit , Mcgonagill Phillip , Hu Houchon , Sankaran Akila , Krishnamurthy Rajesh , Krishnamurthy Ramkumar
Keywords: MRI Sedation, Quality Improvement, Cost
Iles Benjamin, Samora Julie, Singh Satbir, Ruess Lynne
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-035
Treatment pathways for isolated distal radius fractures in children are evolving and becoming more tailored to specific fracture types, including different management plans for stable buckle fractures (BFs) versus unstable distal radius fractures (DRFs). We propose a measurement rule to aid differentiation of stable BFs from unstable DRFs in children.
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Authors: Iles Benjamin , Samora Julie , Singh Satbir , Ruess Lynne
Keywords: Quality Improvement, Radiography, Children
Don Steven, Macdougall Robert, Gress Dustin, Burleson Judy
Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 137
The American College of Radiology (ACR) Dose Index Registry (DIR) compares site or practice exposure indices among regional and national values. While the CT DIR was established in 2011, Digital Radiography (DR) is only in the pilot phase. This single-site, single-vendor experience will inform the pediatric radiology community of the establishment of the ACR DIR DR module. Read More
Authors: Don Steven , Macdougall Robert , Gress Dustin , Burleson Judy
Keywords: Registry, Digital Radiography, Quality
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-026
To test radiographic diagnostic accuracy for distinguishing between stable distal radius buckle fractures (BF) from other distal radius fractures (DRF) after introducing a measurement guideline.
Background: Management of pediatric forearm fractures has become fracture specific, as treatment of the common stable BF is trending toward home management with a removable wrist splint while other potentially unstable, DRF require immobilization and orthopaedic follow-up. Diagnostic accuracy between BF and DRF is therefore imperative. We developed and suggested our radiologists use a measurement guideline to aid diagnosis with this general rule: an isolated distal radius fracture in a child > 7y is not likely to be a BF if the fracture-to-physis distance is < 1 cm.
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Authors: Ruess Lynne , Samora Julie
Keywords: Quality Improvement, fracture, radiography
Tung Eric, Ayyala Rama, Sams Cassandra, Swenson David
Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 027
In an effort to improve communication of important radiology findings, we designed and deployed a unique comprehensive radiology report categorization (RADCAT) system that organizes results by acuity and need for radiology follow-up. The goal of our study is to outline and compare the distribution of RADCAT pediatric imaging reports from three different clinical settings. Read More
Authors: Tung Eric , Ayyala Rama , Sams Cassandra , Swenson David
Tabari Azadeh, Li Xinhua, Yang Kai, Liu Bob, Gee Michael, Westra Sjirk
Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 138
Scanner console-provided volume CT Dose Index (CTDIvol) and Dose Length Product (DLP) are frequently added up inappropriately to obtain cumulative dose values in patients exposed to multiple multi-sequence CT exams, performed with varying z-axis coverage and often with longitudinal tube current modulation. We present the patient-size specific Dose Line Integral (DLI) as a new metric that allows this task to be performed in a more precise fashion across multiple scanner platforms Read More
Authors: Tabari Azadeh , Li Xinhua , Yang Kai , Liu Bob , Gee Michael , Westra Sjirk
Goncalves Luis, Lindblade Christopher, Cornejo Patricia, Patel Mittun, Wishah Fidaa, Bardo Dianna
Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 107
The purpose of this study is to report visualization rates for standard cardiac axial views by FCMR using a prospective ECG pseudogating method and compare visualization rates for acquisitions performed in 1.5 and 3T. Secondary aims include a comparison of image quality between 2 observers and between 1.5 and 3T. Specific absorption rates (SAR) are also compared. Read More
Authors: Goncalves Luis , Lindblade Christopher , Cornejo Patricia , Patel Mittun , Wishah Fidaa , Bardo Dianna
Keywords: fetal cardiac MRI, 3T, image quality
Krishnamurthy Ramkumar, Shah Summit, Wang Ling, Krishnamurthy Rajesh
Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 175
To analyze regional disparities in imaging utilization over an 8-year period in one of the largest pediatric Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) in the US covering over 300,000 children. Read More
Authors: Krishnamurthy Ramkumar , Shah Summit , Wang Ling , Krishnamurthy Rajesh
Keywords: Disparities, Economics, Quality
Yen Christopher, Bhakta Kavita, Terzo Madison, Guleria Saurabh, Hussaini Shaheen, Huynh Tommy
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-014
Non-contrast MRI with focused rapid-acquisition sequences can be used in place of CT for effective diagnosis of pediatric acute appendicitis (PAS). However, higher costs and limited resources are major considerations when considering its use. The goal of this study was to evaluate accuracy, utilization, and cost of MR compared to US and CT in the diagnosis of PAS. Read More
Authors: Yen Christopher , Bhakta Kavita , Terzo Madison , Guleria Saurabh , Hussaini Shaheen , Huynh Tommy
Keywords: magnetic resonance, billing, quality
Sousae Sean, Simmons Curtis, Bailey Smita, Cutler Kayci, Youssfi Mostafa, Reynolds Kristine, Oliver Clay, Pfeifer Cory
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-006
Growth in our hospital has resulted in multiple new locations opening which has resulted in staffing by ultrasound technologists lesser experienced in appendicitis imaging. Likewise, our ordering providers have increased their push to reduce CT utilization. Our aim was to improve the appendix visualization frequency by 10% over 6 months to reduce exposure to ionizing radiation, reduce cost for families, lower risk to patients, reduce length of stay in the emergency department, and shorten the time to diagnosis. Read More
Authors: Sousae Sean , Simmons Curtis , Bailey Smita , Cutler Kayci , Youssfi Mostafa , Reynolds Kristine , Oliver Clay , Pfeifer Cory
Keywords: Appendicitis, Quality Improvement, Ultrasound
Larsen Ethan, Miranda Schaeubinger Monica, Won James, Sze Raymond, Anupindi Sudha
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-042
Demonstrate the breadth and value of integrating a human factors engineer into a pediatric radiology department. Read More
Authors: Larsen Ethan , Miranda Schaeubinger Monica , Won James , Sze Raymond , Anupindi Sudha
Keywords: Quality, Safety, Human Factors
Shah Summit, Rusin Jerome, Krishnamurthy Rajesh, Adler Brent H.
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-052
RADPEER has been criticized for lack of clinical implications, yet few studies have compared RADPEER to alternative peer-review systems or correlated peer review scores with changes in patient management. We aimed to implement a pediatric subspecialty over-read program and compare RADPEER to a Clinical Outcomes Scale, which graded impact on patient outcomes. Read More
Authors: Shah Summit , Rusin Jerome , Krishnamurthy Rajesh , Adler Brent H.
Keywords: Quality, Safety, Neuroradiology
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-05 (R)
The goal of this study is to educate Radiographers on varies specialty surfaces that are often under critical care patients and how they affect image quality on portable x-rays. By understanding which items cause image artifacts, radiographers can reduce the amount of repeated images and thus, decrease dose to patients. Read More
Authors: Le Judy
Keywords: portable imaging, infant, image quality
Fitzpatrick Laura, Allain Dominic, Schmit Pierre
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-024
Accurate placement of lines and tubes is essential in pre-hospital emergent care of pediatric patients, to ensure that lifesaving measuring can be initiated in an effective and timely manner. Malpositioned pediatric tubes can lead to failed resuscitation efforts. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of misplaced endotracheal tubes (ETT), nasogastric tubes (NGT) and intraosseous trocars (IOT) in the pediatric acute care setting using post-mortem imaging. Read More
Authors: Fitzpatrick Laura , Allain Dominic , Schmit Pierre
Tan Fei, Zapala Matthew, Durand Rachelle, Chan Marilynn, Larson Peder
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-035
MRI is not routinely used in clinical practice for lung imaging because of the low proton density and respiratory motion artifact. However, the ultrashort echo time (UTE) MRI technique can increase the signal in the lung. Image reconstruction techniques, such as iterative motion compensated (iMoCo) reconstruction, have improved respiratory motion management for free-breathing lung MRI scans. With the advantage of no ionizing radiation, MRI can benefit patients with immunodeficiency who often require repeat imaging, patients with heightened radiation sensitivity, and/or pediatric patients. In this abstract, we aim to evaluate the imaging quality of UTE lung MRI in the pediatric population. Read More
Authors: Tan Fei , Zapala Matthew , Durand Rachelle , Chan Marilynn , Larson Peder
Keywords: MRI, Image Quality, Lung
Bennett Brittany, Larsen Ethan, Prodigios Joice, Silvestro Elizabeth
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-012
Magnetic Resonance (MR) safety education is essential to protect patients and staff from hazards, especially by preventing ferrous items from entering Zones 3 (control and changing areas) and 4 (magnet room). To address this, our MR Safety Committee focused on improving safety signage. A Radiology Human Factors Engineer (HFE) observed staff interactions within MR zones, focusing on adherence to entrance screening protocols. The observations revealed that non-MR medical professionals, less familiar with safety protocols, could unintentionally enter with hazardous items, and that staff may check on their first entry, but forget to check again on subsequent re-entry. Therefore, new signage needed to be eye-catching and memorable.
In 2023, the committee introduced "Tess" (short for Tesla), a life-size cardboard cutout of an MR Safety mascot. Tess, a cartoon MR technologist in scrubs, highlights common ferrous items staff should check for, head-to-toe. She holds a sign reading, “You are about to enter Zone 3: Are you CLEAR?” followed by the item list and CLEAR acronym’s safety instructions. The concept, acronym, and design were developed by the HFE with input from the MR team and digitally rendered by a medical illustrator using Adobe Illustrator 2023. The design adheres to the hospital’s branding and was printed by an external vendor.
Tess was placed at the Zone 3 entrance in three different MR areas. After positive feedback from technologists and committee members, the Facilities team expanded Tess’s presence by adding her to large vinyl signs on Zone 4 doors where she points to frequently overlooked ferrous items.
During the 2024 MR Safety Week, Tess was central to hands-on education. Radiology interns 3D-printed the ferrous items Tess highlights, allowing staff to physically engage with the mascot and remove the items. This interactive approach drew participants in to spread awareness of MR safety practices.
Tess was also integrated into the hospital’s online MR safety training module, developed by the Digital Learning team. In this module, users drag items from Tess’s pockets, hair, and hands into a designated locker, reinforcing the habit of checking for those ferrous objects.
We are monitoring Tess’s impact on compliance and safety and believe she could be adapted for use in other high-risk areas, such as operating rooms and interventional radiology suites, where strict safety protocols are crucial.
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Authors: Bennett Brittany , Larsen Ethan , Prodigios Joice , Silvestro Elizabeth
Keywords: Quality And Safety, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-027
Trampoline-related injuries in children are a common cause for presentation to the Emergency Department, and their incidence is increasing. Injuries to the lower limb are the most common. Transverse fractures of the proximal tibial metaphysis are a well-described classic fracture. These fractures may be subtle, only diagnosed at the time of follow up x rays. When reviewed at Radiology Quality Assurance meetings, these missed fractures were perceptible on the original imaging. We sought to examine the characteristics of fractures that were missed, and elucidate measures that could improve diagnostic accuracy. Read More
Authors: Mceniery Jane
Keywords: Trauma, Trampoline, Fracture, Quality Assurance, Emergency
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-001 (R)
Background: Brain MRI has become an integral tool in the diagnosis and management of neonates with possible brain injury. In a large quaternary care neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), MRIs are routinely performed for the identification of white matter lesions in preterm infants, prognostication in hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, peri-operative evaluation of patients with meningomyeloceles and hydrocephalus among other indications. Patients are often sedated in order to obtain high quality images, but sedation comes with complications. As these studies become an integral part of our practice in the NICU, we have identified a need to minimize the use of sedation to obtain clinically acceptable neonatal brain MRIs. Read More
Authors: Harris Chris
Keywords: Quality Improvements, Reduce Sedation, MRI brains
Shah Summit, Krishnamurthy Ramkumar, Kelleher Sean, Krishnamurthy Rajesh
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-029
Two major insurance companies have recently enacted policies requiring outpatient advanced imaging at free-standing imaging facilities for adults. Examining the potential clinical and economic implications of non-subspecialized interpretations in children is important. We evaluated the rate of major discrepancies and changes in management arising from second interpretations by a dedicated pediatric facility. Read More
Authors: Shah Summit , Krishnamurthy Ramkumar , Kelleher Sean , Krishnamurthy Rajesh
Keywords: Healthcare Policy, Reimbursement, Quality Improvement