Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-026
15 y/o female with congenital glaucoma presents to the emergency room with right eye pain, redness and swelling. She has baseline corneal opacifications and can see light and shadows but is otherwise visually impaired. The symptoms started 2 weeks prior foreign body sensation her right eye. Antibiotic drops were prescribed but symptoms continued to worsen. A week later another topical antibiotic was added but the eye began to swell, have increased pain, and developed discharge. Her opthomalogist referred her to the ER with concern of endophthalmitis (serious intraocular infection that affects the vitreous and/or aqueous humors of the eye).
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Authors: Riemann Monique , Bell Denise
Keywords: ultrasound, orbits, cellulitis
Shellikeri Sphoorti, Back Susan, Poznick Laura, Darge Kassa
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-050
ceVUS is a radiation-free and sensitive examination to detect vesicoureteral reflux and image the urethra in children using ultrasound (US) and intravesical administration of an ultrasound contrast agent (UCA). Due to the growing interest to perform ceVUS in children, a urinary bladder phantom was developed to teach the technical aspects of the ceVUS examination. Here we describe the preparation and utility of this reusable phantom as a tool to simulate the UCA administration, distribution and the effect of different US parameters on the UCA appearance in the bladder. Read More
Authors: Shellikeri Sphoorti , Back Susan , Poznick Laura , Darge Kassa
Keywords: Ultrasound contrast, bladder phantom, contrast enhanced voiding urosonography
Le David, Durham Phillip, Adams Caroline, Dayton Paul, Hwang Misun
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-035
Focused ultrasound (FUS) is a promising non-invasive technique for targeted drug-delivery to the brain through the disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Preclinical research into FUS-mediated BBB opening is largely limited to dedicated labs as precise imaging and targeting of brain regions is dependent on well-calibrated stereotactic stages. Here, we present a low-cost, portable system that allows for precise and reproducible image-guided FUS using a motorized, consumer-available motion-stage with techniques for calibration. Read More
Authors: Le David , Durham Phillip , Adams Caroline , Dayton Paul , Hwang Misun
Keywords: Ultrasound, Surgical Planning
Venkatakrishna Shyam Sunder, Sultan Laith, Gabbert Morgan, Morgan Trudy, Anupindi Sudha
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-014
Pediatric chronic liver disease (CLD) poses a significant clinical challenge, necessitating precise diagnostic tools for comprehensive evaluation. Microvascular perfusion abnormalities play a pivotal role in disease progression. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) detects the flow in the micro-vessels, however, objective means are needed for better understanding. In this study we evaluate a novel quantitative method utilizing CEUS for assessing microvascular perfusion in pediatric patients with CLD. Read More
Authors: Venkatakrishna Shyam Sunder , Sultan Laith , Gabbert Morgan , Morgan Trudy , Anupindi Sudha
Keywords: Liver microvasculature, Contrast enhanced ultrasound, image analysis
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-044
Learning muculoskeletal ultrasound is challenging. We provide an interactive, problem based approach to learning how to ultrasound the shoulder in a pediatric patient, focusing on key anatomy, static positioning, and dynamic maneuvres, using a stepwise logical approach. Photographs with tranducer positions are provided. Cine images are provided for dynamic maneuvers. This approach may provide a framework for musculoskeletal ultraound workhops that can be adapted for the pediatric radiology trainee, or ultrasound technician. Read More
Authors: Brady Darragh
Keywords: ultrasound, shoulder
Elcic Lana, Nashawaty Motassem, Mousa Abeer, Wermers Joshua
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-014
Twin molar pregnancy featuring a complete hydatidiform mole and a coexisting live fetus is a rare but important condition with unique imaging findings. A 24-year-old pregnant female presented for concern for molar pregnancy on ultrasound at an outside facility. The gestational age of the pregnancy at presentation was 22 weeks and 6 days. MRI was obtained which revealed a single living fetus in cephalic presentation. Along the anterior and left lateral uterine body/fundus was a large lesion with multiple small discrete T2 hyperintense cysts intermixed with more solid T2 isointense components, as well as T2 hypointense, T1 hyperintense foci consistent with hemorrhagic products. The lesion was distinct and did not arise from the placenta. Same day ultrasound revealed a “snowstorm” appearance, consistent with twin molar pregnancy with a complete hydatidiform form and coexistent live fetus. Read More
Authors: Elcic Lana , Nashawaty Motassem , Mousa Abeer , Wermers Joshua
Keywords: Ultrasound and MRI, Fetal Imaging, Pregnancy
Schneeman Libby, Khwaja Asef, Bloom Glenn, Otero Hansel
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-004 (T)
Ultrasound has become a powerful tool for the evaluation of bowel pathology in the children. In the newborn, ultrasound (US) can be used to diagnose, stage, and follow up necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and its complication. US has excellent sensitivity and specificity for the identification of bowel wall thickening, peristalsis, pneumatosis, portal venous gas and free air and has become an integral evaluation tool for the newborn with abdominal distention. Our educational poster will:
1. Summarize proper US equipment, technique and protocol for diagnosing and following up NEC
2. Discuss advantages and benefits of incorporating US in the evaluation of bowel in newborns
3. Illustrate the sonographic findings of mild, moderate and severe NEC through cases
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Authors: Schneeman Libby , Khwaja Asef , Bloom Glenn , Otero Hansel
Keywords: Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Newborn, Ultrasound
Johnson Abigail, Chapman Teresa, Elezaby Mai, Fowler Amy
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-040
Appropriate imaging evaluation and management of pediatric patients with breast symptoms is important to avoid recommending unnecessary imaging follow-up or invasive procedures that cause stress for patients and their caregivers and potential damage to the developing breast. Current practice parameters focus on adults, and there is no evidence-based consensus statement from professional societies to guide management specifically for pediatric breast masses. The objective of this study was to determine the diagnostic performance and outcomes of breast imaging in our pediatric patient population and further contribute to evidence guiding management for this clinical scenario. Read More
Authors: Johnson Abigail , Chapman Teresa , Elezaby Mai , Fowler Amy
Keywords: Breast, Ultrasound
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-026
A 17-year-old female with a history of ulcerative colitis presented to her pediatrician with a palpable and non-painful left breast lump. The patient’s inflammatory bowel disease had been maintained on long-standing infliximab infusions. There was no reported family history of breast or ovarian cancer. Targeted ultrasound of the left breast showed a complex ovoid mass with significant vascularity. Biopsy was notable for extranodal marginal zone lymphoma and the patient underwent a left lumpectomy. Subsequent MRI showed an abnormally enhancing left breast mass, suggestive of residual disease and was treated with radiation. Follow-up breast MRI six months later showed an abnormally enhancing mass in the right breast, and biopsy confirmed marginal zone lymphoma. The decision was made to hold the patient’s infliximab to decrease immunosuppression and allow the patient’s own immune system to clear the lymphoma. Follow up FDG-PET/CT demonstrated a complete metabolic response.
Marginal zone lymphomas (MZLs) describe a group of low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomas characterized by the abnormal proliferation of B cells in the marginal zone of lymphoid tissue. Extranodal MZL, or mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, most commonly presents in the stomach. Primary breast lymphomas encompass less than 1% of all non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, and MZLs comprise less than 10% of primary breast lymphomas. The median age of presentation is around 60 years and risk factors remain unclear. Most patients present with a palpable breast mass. Mammography findings are nonspecific but can show a noncalcified round or oval mass with circumscribed or indistinct margins. Ultrasound findings are also nonspecific, typically demonstrating a hypoechoic mass with significant vascularity. Breast MRI can show an abnormally enhancing mass or smaller areas of non-mass enhancement. FDG-PET/CT scans are useful for demonstrating systemic areas of lymphomatous involvement. Core needle or surgical biopsy is required for histologic diagnosis. Primary breast MZL are usually low-grade and respond well to local radiation. Asymptomatic patients are sometimes managed with close observation. This case demonstrates an exceedingly rare case of bilateral breast MZL in an unusual patient age and highlights the typical low-grade nature of disease, as the patient was able to clear her right breast lymphoma after stopping her immunosuppressive agent.
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Authors: Zhang Rebecca
Martin Camden, Cassella Katharyn, Johnstone Lindsey, Leschied Jessica
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-028
Anorectal malformations (ARMs) are a heterogenous group of congenital anomalies involving the distal rectum and anus that are often associated with other anomalies. Neonates with ARMs may be identified at birth or prenatally and, upon delivery, receive a myriad of imaging tests to characterize the type of ARM and associated anomalies. Recent literature supports the use of transperineal ultrasound in the initial assessment of neonates with ARMs, with the Society of Pediatric Radiology recommending its use in the imaging algorithm for ARMs. Transperineal ultrasound, if adequately performed, allows evaluation of the location of the distal rectal pouch and the anatomy and location of any rectourogenital fistulas. In this educational poster, we review the clinical presentation and classification ARMs and discuss the role of transperineal ultrasound in the initial assessment of cases. We then describe common sonographic findings of ARMs on transperineal ultrasound using examples from our own institution. Our goal is to familiarize pediatric radiologists with this heterogenous group of congenital anomalies and the clinical utility of transperineal ultrasound in characterizing this pathology. Read More
Authors: Martin Camden , Cassella Katharyn , Johnstone Lindsey , Leschied Jessica
Keywords: Gastrointestinal, Anorectal, Ultrasound
El Hawari Mohamad, Joshi Akash, Zarchan Adam, Dobbs-desilet Debbie, Ornelas Samuel
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-101
Congenital high airways obstruction sequence (CHAOS) refers to a relatively rare fetal anomaly caused by high airway obstruction (tracheal or laryngeal) caused by atresia or stenosis. Similar imaging findings can be seen with airway obstruction due to oropharyngeal or neck masses such as teratoma. Antenatal imagining findings include but not limited to dilated fluid filled trachea and proximal bronchi, bilateral enlarged echogenic lungs with relative small sized midline heart, flattening or eversion of the diaphragm, feta ascites and anasarca and polyhydramnios. The prognosis is overall poor, however it is improved after planning for delivery and performing EXIT procedure (ex utero intrapartum treatment) with tracheostomy.
We present a case of a 20-year-old female G1P0 at 25 weeks of gestation diagnosed with Congenital high airways obstruction sequence (CHAOS) with typical features on prenatal ultrasound and fetal MR. Delivery was planned and an EXIT procedure was performed and the newborn survived.
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Authors: El Hawari Mohamad , Joshi Akash , Zarchan Adam , Dobbs-desilet Debbie , Ornelas Samuel
Keywords: Congenital High Airway Obstruction Sequence, Ultrasound, MRI
Li Jason, Betke Margaret, Gill Christopher, Thompson Russell, Wang Kaihong, Etter Lauren, Camelo Ingrid, Chang Hailey, Setty Bindu, Castro Ilse, Pieciak Rachel
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-015
Point of Care Lung ultrasound has proven in multiple studies to be superior to CXR to diagnose pneumonia in children especially in limited resource settings. This non-radiating, portable and adaptable technique, brings an opportunity to detect pneumonia with higher accuracy than CXR. Ultrasound imaging interpretation is challenging. To deal with this complexity, we created a "brightness profiles" data reduction technique to identify specific anatomical structures identified by lung ultrasound using artificial intelligence. We use this technique to demonstrate how data reduction can help identify common anatomical landmarks and abnormal findings, and aid in the interpretation of ultrasound diagnosed pediatric pneumonia. Read More
Authors: Li Jason , Betke Margaret , Gill Christopher , Thompson Russell , Wang Kaihong , Etter Lauren , Camelo Ingrid , Chang Hailey , Setty Bindu , Castro Ilse , Pieciak Rachel
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, pneumonia, ultrasound
Osman Radya, Karmazyn Boaz, Marine Megan, Wanner Matthew, Radhakrishnan Rupa, Supakul Nucharin, Ducis Katrina, Jennings Samuel, Jea Andrew
Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 128
Evaluate temporal change in position of the tip of the conus medullaris in infants with borderline or low position of the conus on initial spine ultrasound (US) performed at less than 3 months of age. Read More
Authors: Osman Radya , Karmazyn Boaz , Marine Megan , Wanner Matthew , Radhakrishnan Rupa , Supakul Nucharin , Ducis Katrina , Jennings Samuel , Jea Andrew
Keywords: Tethered cord, Ultrasound, MRI
Sultan Laith, Morales-tisnés Tatiana, Rouet Laurence, Jago James, Sridharan Anush, Otero Hansel, Darge Kassa, Back Susan
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-016
Pediatric kidney abnormalities, such as urinary tract dilation (UTD), are common, and current reporting methods vary significantly. There's a need for more precise evaluation methods. Using automated 3D kidney volume measurements from ultrasound (US) offers an alterantive objective approach. Our aim is to evaluate the diagnostic potential of automated 3D kidney volume measurements for detecting and categorizing UTD, comparing their accuracy with clinical assessment. Read More
Authors: Sultan Laith , Morales-tisnés Tatiana , Rouet Laurence , Jago James , Sridharan Anush , Otero Hansel , Darge Kassa , Back Susan
Keywords: Urinary tract dilation, 3D ultrasound, Diagnostic model
Kim Kevin, Nowrangi Rajeev, Mcgehee Arianna, Joshi Neil, Acharya Patricia
Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 020
To assess whether a convolutional neural network (CNN) can be trained via transfer learning to accurately diagnose germinal matrix hemorrhage-intraventricular hemorrhage (GMH-IVH) on cranial ultrasound (CUS) by comparing its performance to that of a board-certified radiologist. Secondary endpoints will include the ability of CNN to grade GMH-IVH severity, identify GMH-IVH on MRI, and assess low-grade GMH-IVH on CUS that cannot reliably be seen by a radiologist. Read More
Authors: Kim Kevin , Nowrangi Rajeev , Mcgehee Arianna , Joshi Neil , Acharya Patricia
Keywords: AI, Cranial ultrasound, germinal matrix hemorrhage
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-014
Children and young adults can present with breast complaints in the emergency setting and ultrasound is typically the initial imaging modality of choice for work-up. While many sonographic findings are benign, there are rare presentations of indeterminate and suspicious masses. In these cases, radiologists and clinicians involved in these patient's care may be unfamiliar with the diagnosis and management of lesions that warrant follow-up with dedicated breast imagers. This study is designed to analyze the common characteristics of pediatric breast complaints from the emergency department and if follow-up care was recommended and pursued. Read More
Authors: Nguyen Derek , Dunn Emily
Patil Kedar, Gorelik Natalia, Kumalo Zonah, Bure Lionel, Albuquerque Pedro, Faingold Ricardo
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-059
There is no standardized evidence-based neonatal head ultrasound (HUS) training guidelines within the literature. Simulation models have previously shown to improve resident proficiency in performing ultrasound-guided procedures. We developed an ultrasound-compatible neonatal brain phantom from polyvinyl alcohol cryogel (Figure 1) with the relevant cross-sectional anatomy.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether resident performance in HUS improves with the use of this novel brain phantom training model.
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Authors: Patil Kedar , Gorelik Natalia , Kumalo Zonah , Bure Lionel , Albuquerque Pedro , Faingold Ricardo
Keywords: Neonatal Head Ultrasound
Saez Fermin, Vazquez Victor, Saez Javier, Pijoan Jose
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-036
To assess the relevance of asymmetrical skin folds as a clinical sign for the diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). Read More
Authors: Saez Fermin , Vazquez Victor , Saez Javier , Pijoan Jose
Keywords: developmental dysplasia of the hip, hip ultrasound screening, hip dysplasia
Poot Jeffrey, Subramanian Subramanian, Gumus Serter, Squires Judy
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-078
Ultrasound is a common screening examination performed in infants prior to closure of osseous posterior elements. Although radiologists with pediatric neuroradiology subspecialty training may be very familiar with many abnormalities encountered sonographically, pediatric radiologists without pediatric neuroradiology subspecialty training are often less familiar. Further, the ultrasound appearance of abnormalities of infant spine may be less well known than appearance on MRI. The purpose of this educational review is to demonstrate normal appearance of infant spine and illustrate abnormalities that are frequently and infrequently encountered during screening ultrasound evaluation, with MRI for comparison. Read More
Authors: Poot Jeffrey , Subramanian Subramanian , Gumus Serter , Squires Judy
Eliades Sarah, Pomeranz Christy, Baad Michael, Roytman Michelle, Kovanlikaya Arzu
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-056
Ultrasound is typically the first-line imaging modality for the evaluation of superficial soft tissue masses in the pediatric population. While certain superficial soft tissue masses have a classic appearance on ultrasound, others may have a nonspecific appearance and may vary in their sonographic characteristics. This can make a definitive diagnosis and follow-up recommendations difficult, especially for trainees.
We aim to provide a basic overview of some of the common and less common superficial soft tissue masses that may be encountered in pediatric imaging, and introduce a novel, structured algorithmic approach for evaluating these lesions on ultrasound. The algorithm will assist the radiologist in reaching a definitive diagnosis or narrowing the differential such that a helpful recommendation for further workup can be made. For example, the algorithm will include internal vascularity, border distinctness, cystic or solid components, presence or absence of calcifications, and location in the body and within the superficial soft tissue layers. Pictorial examples of each sonographic feature in the algorithm will provide further assistance.
Pathologies will include but not be limited to: pilomatricoma, glanuloma annulare, epidermal inclusion cyst, ganglion cyst, abscess/infection, lipoma, hematoma, lymph nodes, vascular anomalies, and soft tissue sarcomas. When a definitive diagnosis is not achievable, this algorithm will help the radiologist determine the likelihood of benignity, a short differential diagnosis, and a recommendation for any further imaging workup.
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Authors: Eliades Sarah , Pomeranz Christy , Baad Michael , Roytman Michelle , Kovanlikaya Arzu
Keywords: Soft tissue mass, Ultrasound, Superficial
Daneff Monica, Casalis Claudia, Bruno Claudio, Bruno Didier
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-070
Radiographic bone age determination is part of the routine evaluation of suspected growth disorders. Simplicity and low cost are its major advantages but ionizing radiation should be taken into consideration. Conventional ultrasonography (US) has proven effective to identify ossification centers of the hand and wrist between 0 and 24 months of age. It may become an innocuous follow-up tool for patients with growth disorders. We aimed to asses the chronological US emergence of the ossification centers of the hand and wrist in healthy infants between 2 and 4 years of age. Read More
Authors: Daneff Monica , Casalis Claudia , Bruno Claudio , Bruno Didier
Gleason Miranda, Moredock Elisabeth, Parish David, Pfeifer Cory
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-021
The practice of performing dedicated breast ultrasounds in the pediatric emergency department varies according to institution. In the adult population, breast ultrasounds are commonly interpreted by dedicated breast imagers and/or radiologists appropriately qualified to interpret mammograms. Children's hospitals with dedicated pediatric radiology faculty are less likely to have such individuals on staff. This paper examines the practice of breast ultrasounds ordered in the emergency department throughout a large children's health system. Read More
Authors: Gleason Miranda , Moredock Elisabeth , Parish David , Pfeifer Cory
Keywords: Breast Abscess, Breast Ultrasound, Emergency Radiology
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-087
Pediatric breast lesions are uncommon and can be a source of alarm to both pediatric patients and their caretakers. Lesions may be incidentally detected on imaging or may be associated with clinical symptoms prompting presentation. Prior to reviewing pathology, it is important for the radiologist to first have a clear understanding of the natural course of breast development in pediatric patients. We provide a multi-modal imaging review of breast bud development from the neonatal period through puberty. Next, we present a breadth of multimodal imaging cases of both benign and malignant lesions within the pediatric breast, including accessory breast tissue, gynecomastia, masses of the breast, masses of the chest wall mimicking breast masses, infection, trauma, and more. Lastly, this exhibit highlights key imaging characteristics that may prompt concern or need for further workup, offers optimization and best practices for imaging, and reviews appropriate management and referral recommendations for common entities. Read More
Authors: Dhami Alysha , Seekins Jayne
Keywords: Breast, Ultrasound and MRI, Multimodality
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-033
Ultrasound carries high sensitivity in diagnosing acute appendicitis in pediatric patients and is increasingly being used as the preferred method of diagnosis since it does not use ionizing radiation. Although an enlarged diameter of the appendix and non-compressibility are the primary indicators of appendicitis, they do not have perfect specificity. Therefore, secondary features of appendicitis are crucial in supporting the diagnosis of appendicitis. The most sensitive secondary finding of appendicitis is inflammatory echogenic periappendiceal fat. Other secondary signs of appendicitis are either infrequently present, like wall hyperemia, or entirely nonspecific, like periappendiceal free fluid. Improving diagnostic accuracy of appendicitis with additional secondary supportive signs would be helpful. We have subjectively observed that appendix shape may be a helpful secondary sign of appendicitis, and that in certain cases it forms a C-shape or curved appearance when inflamed. It mimics the appearance of the letter ‘C’ and hence, we termed it, the “C sign.” Retrospective review of 999 ultrasound appendix studies that were conducted in our hospital from January 1, 2022, to March 31, 2022, with 150 sonographically positive acute appendicitis cases, we found 10 patients with the positive C sign and deemed positive by US and pathologically to be acute appendicitis. It seems by observation that this sign is not sensitive but specific when found, for acute appendicitis. One probable explanation for this configuration is loop separation that occurs when the proximal and distal ends of the appendix are separated either by inflamed fat or wall thickening. Herein, we show a few examples of the appendiceal “C-sign”, describe our observations, and suggest its potential use as an additional secondary sign of appendicitis. Read More
Authors: Singh Jasmeet , Milks Kathryn
Keywords: Appendicitis, Ultrasound, C sign
Schold Andrew, Marine Megan, Brown Brandon, Gray Brian, Karmazyn Boaz
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-014
Radiographic findings of right diaphragmatic eventration may overlap with true hernia if only liver herniates without bowel. We thus wanted to know the accuracy of ultrasonography (US) in the diagnosis of right diaphragmatic hernia. Read More
Authors: Schold Andrew , Marine Megan , Brown Brandon , Gray Brian , Karmazyn Boaz
Abdulla Sarah, Tadros Sameh, Squires Judy
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-058
The female anatomic equivalent of the male processus vaginalis is the canal of Nuck. The canal is formed from a small peritoneal protuberance from the round ligament that extends through the inguinal ring, into the inguinal canal, and terminates in the labia majora. Obliteration of the canal occurs in a superior to inferior direction and usually completes within the first year of life. Non-closure results in a persistent canal of Nuck. Very rarely herniation of abdominal and pelvic contents into the canal of Nuck can occur, much less commonly in females than in the male equivalent. Hernias can present at any age but are most common in children. Recognition of this entity is especially important in cases of ovarian herniation due to the risk of incarceration.
We will provide a review normal anatomy, potential canal contents, the imaging appearance on ultrasound, CT, as well as MRI, and discuss differential diagnosis using cases of canal of Nuck hernia in 4 patients aged 22 days though 17 years.
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Authors: Abdulla Sarah , Tadros Sameh , Squires Judy
Keywords: Canal of Nuck, hernia, ultrasound, MRI, CT
Poznick Laura, Morgan Trudy, Back Susan, Darge Kassa
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-007 (T)
Contrast enhanced voiding urosonography (ceVUS) is a radiation free, highly sensitive imaging modality for vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) detection and urethral imaging in children. CeVUS uses ultrasound (US) technology and an US contrast agent (UCA) that is instilled in the bladder via a catheter. This educational exhibit provides step-by-step instructions of our institutional protocol for performing ceVUS exams.
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Authors: Poznick Laura , Morgan Trudy , Back Susan , Darge Kassa
Keywords: Ultrasound, Contrast, VoidingContrast
Mohamed Ezzelarab Soliman Magdy, Doria Andrea, Bouskill Vanessa, Mohanta Arun, Zhang Ningning, Zhou Alex, Jarrin Jose, Huo Ai Hua, Wu Runhui, Peng Yun
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-058
POC-US aims at shortening the scanning and interpretation time being easy to use by clinicians and allied health professionals at the time of patients’ physical examination. Our purposes are: 1. To compare POC-US to detailed US and MRI in evaluating hemophilic arthropathy. 2. To point out limitations of POC-US that can decrease its accuracy. 3. To propose strategies to refine protocols. Read More
Authors: Mohamed Ezzelarab Soliman Magdy , Doria Andrea , Bouskill Vanessa , Mohanta Arun , Zhang Ningning , Zhou Alex , Jarrin Jose , Huo Ai Hua , Wu Runhui , Peng Yun
Keywords: hemophilic arthropathy, imaging, point of care ultrasound
Djuricic Goran, Medovic Rasa, Dasic Ivana, Pavicevic Polina, Furtula Dubravka, Radovic Tijana
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-010
Craniosynostosis is the premature fusion of one or more cranial sutures, leading to deformed head shape, increased intracranial pressure and restricted brain growth. The most reliable diagnostic method to use is computed tomography (3D–CT). Aim of this study was to present the characteristics of children with craniosynostosis and to compare US findings with 3D–CT as “gold standard”. Read More
Authors: Djuricic Goran , Medovic Rasa , Dasic Ivana , Pavicevic Polina , Furtula Dubravka , Radovic Tijana
Keywords: craniosynostosis, suture fusion, ultrasound, 3D–CT
Wanous Amanda, Monahan Hannah, Javed Asma
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-013
Accurate diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary syndrome (PCOS) in adolescents relies on clinical, biochemical and radiographic criteria. The traditionally utilized Rotterdam criteria define polycystic ovarian morphology (PCOM) as the presence of 12 or more follicles, measuring 2-9 mm in either ovary and/or an ovarian volume >10 cm3. Due to advancement in imaging techniques and resolution, it has been proposed by the Androgen Excess Society Taskforce to update criteria for diagnosis of PCOM to presence of 25 or more follicles per ovary. The aim of this study was to correlate the diagnosis of PCOM using ovarian volume and follicle number criteria in adolescents with confirmed PCOS based on NIH criteria. The NIH criteria are stringent and require the presence of both menstrual irregularity and clinical or biochemical evidence of hyperandrogenism for a diagnosis of PCOS. Read More
Authors: Wanous Amanda , Monahan Hannah , Javed Asma
Keywords: Ultrasound, Ovary, Adolescent