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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Showing 11 Abstracts.

Nguyen Derek,  Dunn Emily

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-014

Children and young adults can present with breast complaints in the emergency setting and ultrasound is typically the initial imaging modality of choice for work-up. While many sonographic findings are benign, there are rare presentations of indeterminate and suspicious masses. In these cases, radiologists and clinicians involved in these patient's care may be unfamiliar with the diagnosis and management of lesions that warrant follow-up with dedicated breast imagers. This study is designed to analyze the common characteristics of pediatric breast complaints from the emergency department and if follow-up care was recommended and pursued. Read More

Authors:  Nguyen Derek , Dunn Emily

Keywords:  Emergency, Breast, Ultrasound

Finkle Joshua,  Marshall Emily,  Reiser Ingrid,  Zhang Yue,  Lu Zheng Feng,  Jones Anji,  Feinstein Kate

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-005

Global mAs reduction is accepted as being superior to bismuth breast shields in reducing breast organ dose for children undergoing CT of the chest. However, in imaging of chest, abdomen, and pelvis (CAP), globally reducing mAs degrades image quality in the abdomen and pelvis. This study compares bismuth shields to global mAs reduction including a region-specific boost feature to maintain abdominal image quality. Read More

Authors:  Finkle Joshua , Marshall Emily , Reiser Ingrid , Zhang Yue , Lu Zheng Feng , Jones Anji , Feinstein Kate

Keywords:  Bismuth breast shields, CT dose

Pfeifer Cory,  Kwon Jeannie,  Oatis Kristi

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-065

The purpose of this exhibition is to outline practice patterns among breast imaging in the pediatric population while identifying barriers to execution of standard breast imaging practices in pediatric patients. Read More

Authors:  Pfeifer Cory , Kwon Jeannie , Oatis Kristi

Keywords:  breast, BI-RADS, biopsy

Gleason Miranda,  Moredock Elisabeth,  Parish David,  Pfeifer Cory

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-021

The practice of performing dedicated breast ultrasounds in the pediatric emergency department varies according to institution. In the adult population, breast ultrasounds are commonly interpreted by dedicated breast imagers and/or radiologists appropriately qualified to interpret mammograms. Children's hospitals with dedicated pediatric radiology faculty are less likely to have such individuals on staff. This paper examines the practice of breast ultrasounds ordered in the emergency department throughout a large children's health system. Read More

Authors:  Gleason Miranda , Moredock Elisabeth , Parish David , Pfeifer Cory

Keywords:  Breast Abscess, Breast Ultrasound, Emergency Radiology

Nguyen Derek,  Dunn Emily

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-063

Children and young adults occasionally present with breast complaints in the emergency setting, typically with palpable abnormalities or pain. Ultrasound is the imaging of modality of choice in this setting due to its wide availability, resolution for superficial soft tissue structures, and lack of ionizing radiation. In this presentation, we review breast lesions seen in children and young adults undergoing sonographic evaluation in the emergency department at a tertiary pediatric hospital with the final diagnosis. The aim of this exhibit is to review pediatric breast anatomy and depict representative ultrasound imaging features of normal variants, benign lesions, and findings which should raise suspicion for malignancy. Cases will include but not limited to: premature glandular tissue, ductal ectasia, breast edema, breast cellulitis, breast abscess, periductal mastitis, complicated cyst, intraductal papilloma, fibroadenoma, phyllodes tumor, and breast cancer. Read More

Authors:  Nguyen Derek , Dunn Emily

Keywords:  Emergency, Breast, Ultrasound

Thompson Allison,  Alazraki Adina,  Tade Funmilayo,  Loewen Jonathan,  Dickson Paula,  Milla Sarah

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-007

A trend of increased utilization of pediatric breast ultrasound has been suggested in our pediatric healthcare system. Despite this perceived increase in cases, the number of concerning breast findings in our population remains extremely low. Our hypothesis is that there has been significant increase in the number of pediatric breast ultrasounds, yet examinations remain overwhelmingly benign. Read More

Authors:  Thompson Allison , Alazraki Adina , Tade Funmilayo , Loewen Jonathan , Dickson Paula , Milla Sarah

Keywords:  Ultrasound, Breast, Pediatric

Vijapura Charmi,  Kao Simon,  Amarneh Mohammad,  Sato Yutaka,  Sato T Shawn

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-014

1. Describe the variety of pathologies affecting the chest wall and breast in the pediatric male.
2. Explain the ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics of pediatric chest well including breast masses.
3. Recognize pitfalls on ultrasound imaging in evaluation of male chest wall and breast.
4. Discuss follow up and management of these lesions.
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Authors:  Vijapura Charmi , Kao Simon , Amarneh Mohammad , Sato Yutaka , Sato T Shawn

Keywords:  Male Breast, Chest Wall, Ultrasound

Thakor Dipakkumar,  Barreto David,  Cielma Tara,  Rossi Christopher,  Shet Narendra

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-080

Pediatric patients are frequently referred for imaging of palpable breast lesions, but pathologic breast conditions are rare in childhood and adolescence. While evaluation of the pediatric breast can be daunting to non-breast imaging facilities, commonly encountered conditions have recognizable imaging features on ultrasound, the modality of choice for work up. In rare cases, indeterminate or suspicious conditions can be encountered. The purpose of this poster is to present cases of commonly encountered pediatric breast conditions, with histopathologic correlation when available, as well as to present imaging findings of more concerning entities. The goal of this poster is to provide the reader familiarity with pediatric breast conditions to increase confidence in interpreting these studies. Read More

Authors:  Thakor Dipakkumar , Barreto David , Cielma Tara , Rossi Christopher , Shet Narendra

Keywords:  Breast

Lee Bonmyong,  Whitehead Matthew

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-049

Imaging evaluation of the pediatric breast is often necessary to evaluate suspected disease in immature and developing mammary tissue. The initial assessment of these patients commonly occurs at a children’s hospital. In this retrospective study, we aim to demonstrate the landscape of pediatric breast imaging by providing the prevalence of various breast-related imaging techniques, diagnoses, and demographics encountered at an academic children’s hospital over a 10 year period. Read More

Authors:  Lee Bonmyong , Whitehead Matthew

Keywords:  breast, pediatrics, ultrasound

Saini Rimpi,  Wermers Joshua,  Larson Shelby,  Mitchell Grace,  Patel Amy

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-093

With an incidence of 3.25%, breast masses in the pediatric population are a relatively rare phenomenon. Despite this, breast masses are a substantial source of anxiety and concern for parents and patients alike, largely due to the increased awareness of breast cancer in the adult population. Fortunately, the vast majority of masses are benign, and pediatric breast malignancies constitute less than 1% of all pediatric malignancies. Moreover, malignancy tends to be secondary to metastatic disease from lymphoma, leukemia, or rhabdomyosarcoma, as primary breast carcinoma is exceedingly rare. Although initial sonographic characteristics of breast masses may be nonspecific, recommendation for further evaluation with biopsy and/or excision of the mass is usually not recommended due to the rarity of malignancy, and avoidance of disrupting immature breast parenchymal tissue. In adults, the Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System classification is quite accurate for dictating management recommendations. However, this system grossly over-emphasizes the risk of malignancy in pediatric patients, as imaging findings are usually discordant with histology. Currently, there are no standardized guidelines for management recommendations of pediatric breast masses, and short-term follow-up ultrasound is usually recommended to evaluate for malignant potential. The purpose of this educational exhibit is to compare the sonographic abnormalities of breast pathologies arising from normal breast development, including but not limited to gynecomastia, mastitis, and abscesses, from those arising from neoplastic processes including fibroadenomas, hemangiomas, arterio-venous malformations, and phyllodes tumors. In addition, the current literature on management recommendations, including indications for MRI and biopsy/excision of breast masses, will be reviewed. Finally, this exhibit will discuss the important role pediatric radiologists play in understanding the epidemiology and natural history of breast pathologies, enabling accurate characterization of masses and appropriate treatment recommendations to further guide patient management. Read More

Authors:  Saini Rimpi , Wermers Joshua , Larson Shelby , Mitchell Grace , Patel Amy

Keywords:  Breast, Ultrasound, hemangioma

Gleason Miranda,  Sharma Pooja,  Omar Lena,  Pfeifer Cory,  Kwon Jeannie

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-035

The purpose of this exhibit is to demonstrate the characteristic sonographic appearance of benign masses in the pediatric population in order to address the wide variation in management of palpable, hypoechoic, circumscribed masses seen on ultrasound. Currently, management includes fine needle aspiration/core needle biopsy, excision, imaging follow-up, and reassurance. This exhibit proposes guidelines for management of palpable pediatric breast masses with ultrasound findings most suggestive of fibroadenomas. Read More

Authors:  Gleason Miranda , Sharma Pooja , Omar Lena , Pfeifer Cory , Kwon Jeannie

Keywords:  Breast, Mass, Benign