There are numerous congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract with varying frequency. Some anomalies are life-threatening and require prompt diagnosis with immediate treatment. Evaluation of patients with these anomalies can be complex, sometimes requiring multiple imaging modalities for accurate diagnoses and timely treatment. It is therefore essential for radiologists to have a firm understanding of specific imaging features. The purpose of this exhibit is to review common and uncommon congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract, including clinical and imaging features as well as treatment options. Read More
Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016
Authors: Close Orrie, Squires Judy
Keywords: congenital, gastrointestinal, malformations
Pneumomediastinum is a radiological finding that may be seen following thoracic trauma, yet its importance and follow-up imaging recommendations are not standardized. Additionally, there is limited evidence linking traumatic pneumomediastinum to injury that will require treatment. To evaluate the rate of the positivity of esophagrams performed for post-traumatic pneumomediastinum and to determine the appropriate investigative procedures needed. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025
Authors: Ramos Jennifer, Squires Judy
Keywords: Pneumomediastinum, Esophagram, Chest Computed Tomography (CT)
The female anatomic equivalent of the male processus vaginalis is the canal of Nuck. The canal is formed from a small peritoneal protuberance from the round ligament that extends through the inguinal ring, into the inguinal canal, and terminates in the labia majora. Obliteration of the canal occurs in a superior to inferior direction and usually completes within the first year of life. Non-closure results in a persistent canal of Nuck. Very rarely herniation of abdominal and pelvic contents into the canal of Nuck can occur, much less commonly in females than in the male equivalent. Hernias can present at any age but are most common in children. Recognition of this entity is especially important in cases of ovarian herniation due to the risk of incarceration. We will provide a review normal anatomy, potential canal contents, the imaging appearance on ultrasound, CT, as well as MRI, and discuss differential diagnosis using cases of canal of Nuck hernia in 4 patients aged 22 days though 17 years. Read More
Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016
Authors: Abdulla Sarah, Tadros Sameh, Squires Judy
Keywords: Canal of Nuck, hernia, ultrasound, MRI, CT
Ultrasound is a common screening examination performed in infants prior to closure of osseous posterior elements. Although radiologists with pediatric neuroradiology subspecialty training may be very familiar with many abnormalities encountered sonographically, pediatric radiologists without pediatric neuroradiology subspecialty training are often less familiar. Further, the ultrasound appearance of abnormalities of infant spine may be less well known than appearance on MRI. The purpose of this educational review is to demonstrate normal appearance of infant spine and illustrate abnormalities that are frequently and infrequently encountered during screening ultrasound evaluation, with MRI for comparison. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Poot Jeffrey, Subramanian Subramanian, Gumus Serter, Squires Judy
Keywords: Spine, Ultrasound, MRI
Timely intracranial imaging enables diagnosis, directs treatment, and provides prognostic information of infant malformation or injury. MRI is the gold standard for neuroimaging, but can be inhibited by transportation risk and incompatible support devices. Ultrasound (US) is portable, rapid, and inexpensive, but limited by lower sensitivity and specificity. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) improves diagnostic accuracy of US in other clinical applications. Our aim was to prospectively compare CEUS of the neonatal brain to MRI. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Squires Judy, Beluk Nancy, Yanowitz Toby, Kephart Morie, Panigrahy Ashok
Keywords: contrast-enhanced ultrasound, neonates, neuroimaging
Transfontanelle cranial ultrasound is widely used in the neonatal setting to screen for abnormalities, particularly in the neonatal and cardiac intensive care unit settings. Radiologists and sonographers are typically very familiar with the ultrasound appearance of germinal matrix hemorrhage in premature infants. However, other abnormalities can also be very well seen sonographically, but may be underappreciated and therefore underreported. Under recognition may delay appropriate therapy these infants. The purpose of this educational review is to demonstrate the sonographic findings in a variety of neonatal intracranial abnormities including ischemia, hemorrhage, as well as developmental and anatomical anomalies, and to compare them with what may be the more familiar cross sectional appearance, including CT and MRI. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2017 Annual Meeting & Categorical Course , 2017
Authors: Squires Judy, Zuccoli Giulio, Lynda Flom, Subramanian Subramanian, Panigrahy Ashok
Keywords: MRI, Ultrasound
It is well-established and widely observed that newborn infants imaged by ultrasound may show transiently increased echogenicity of the renal pyramids within the first week of life, up to 10 days, postulated to reflect reduced excretion of urine that has been observed early in life. Over the past decade, as ultrasound technology has improved, we have observed in routine practice that many infants without renal disease manifest this echogenicity for several weeks and sometimes over a month. The aim of this study is to establish a new expected age range during which healthy infants may show hyperechogenicity of the renal pyramids using modern ultrasound equipment. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025
Authors: Herzog Abigal, Cuevas Christian, Mao Lu, Tutman Jeffrey, Squires Judy, Chapman Teresa