Huang Yungui, Krishnamurthy Rajesh, Hu Houchun, Luna John, Krishnamurthy Ramkumar, Lubeley Lacey, Buskirk Tricia, Karczewski Arleen, Garrett Whitney, Lin Simon, Mcallister Aaron
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-040
Background: Image quality in MRI is often degraded by patient motion. To reduce the need for repeat exams, sedation or general anesthesia is used in pediatric patients. This requires additional clinical staff, and leads to increased scheduling wait times and overall procedure times that impact workflow. Many institutions prepare children for MRI using mock-up replicas. While effective in acclimating patients to the MRI environment, the availability of mock-up practices are often limited. Mock-ups also require physical space and do not simulate the full MRI environment and exam experience.
Purpose: We build an affordable, scalable, and portable immersive virtual reality (IVR) platform for simulating MRI exams. Specifically, we designed an IVR environment that accurately mimics a Siemens 3 Tesla suite within our Radiology practice, including intricate details such as room size, color, lighting, ancillary equipment, pulse sequence audio, and background noise. The IVR platform also attempts to simulate the complete sequence of events and environments a child will experience during an exam, including the check-in process, interactions with staff (e.g., nurses, technologists), the waiting area and changing rooms, the positioning and motion of the MRI table, placement of coils, and within-exam instructions, such as breath-holds. Our platform also allows the patient to move around in the VR space and interact with the environment. Additionally, the platform can be easily converted to mimic any other MR suite. We hypothesize that our platform can be easily adopted by Child Life and hospital staff to quickly acclimate a patient and assess whether he/she can suitably undergo an MRI exam without sedation or general anesthesia.
We believe the IVR platform can overcome the limitations of mock-up replicas. First, IVR has a smaller footprint and is scalable and portable across the hospital. This allows multiple IVR sessions to be held in parallel. Second, IVR can give the patient a hospital-specific and scan-specific first-person experience. The patient can interact with realistic 3D representations of the MRI environment and processes. Our current implementation of IVR was developed using HTC VIVE headsets with a dedicated laptop for control. To further improve portability, the IVR setup can be adopted using simple goggles and handheld devices. This will enable future IVR sessions to be conducted at the bedside, in patient’s homes, and in referring physician offices.
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Authors: Huang Yungui , Krishnamurthy Rajesh , Hu Houchun , Luna John , Krishnamurthy Ramkumar , Lubeley Lacey , Buskirk Tricia , Karczewski Arleen , Garrett Whitney , Lin Simon , Mcallister Aaron
Keywords: magnetic resonance imaging, virtual reality, simulation
Ly Juan Domingo, Subramanian Subramanian, Rajan Deepa, Greene Stephanie, Zuccoli Giulio
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-010
An 11-year-old female presented with 3-weeks history of intractable vomiting, nausea, blurred vision, vertical nystagmus and ataxia with gait instability. A CT scan revealed a small calcification at the left craniocervical junction (CJJ) and mild effacement of the fourth ventricle (Figure). MRI showed a partially-enhancing medulla oblongata lesion and a non-enhancing cystic exophytic lesion abutting the left pre-medullary cistern. There was avid thick enhancement along the ventrolateral surface of the medulla oblongata. No restricted diffusion was present. MR spectroscopy demonstrated decreased NAA and elevated lactates. Based on imaging findings, a brainstem glioma with exophytic component was suspected. The CBC, CMP, ESR and CRP were normal. The patient underwent suboccipital craniectomy with C1 laminectomy, and an exophytic pale gray mass was identified. Multiple specimens were taken, and frozen diagnosis showed only necrosis. The cyst wall was resected. Resection of the brainstem component was limited by neurophysiology. Histologically, the lesion consisted of a fibrous cyst wall lined by columnar to pseudostratified columnar epithelium, findings reflecting a neuroenteric cyst. No glial tissue was identified. Gram stain and Grocott stain were negative for bacterial and fungal specimens. An empiric treatment with wide spectrum antibiotic was started. Follow-up MRI demonstrated near complete resolution of edema in the medulla oblongata, and substantial decrease in enhancement in anterolateral exophytic component and patient has substantially improved clinically. In retrospect, a sinus tract extended from the cystic lesion at the craniocervical junction into the brainstem causing edema, inflammation and enhancement which resolved once the cyst was surgically decompressed.
This case shows a neuroenteric cyst connected to the brainstem, through a sinus tract leading to chronic inflammation and infection, resulting in imaging findings resembling a brainstem glioma. Surgical decompression of the cyst and antibiotic treatment resulted in resolution of the brainstem lesion.
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Authors: Ly Juan Domingo , Subramanian Subramanian , Rajan Deepa , Greene Stephanie , Zuccoli Giulio
Keywords: Neurenteric, magnetic resonance imaging MRI, glioma
Rana Abhilasha, Mansfield Kori, Radder Shrinivas, Razzaq Sania, Jayappa Sateesh, Charles Glasier, Ramakrishnaiah Raghu, Murphy Janice
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-017
Meroanencephaly is an extremely rare open neural tube under anencephaly spectrum with midline superior calvarial defect, herniation of disorganised brain parenchyma through the defect with deficient overlying skin. Anencephaly has an incidence of 0.1% on antenatal ultrasound, meroanencephaly is even rarer accounting for 3.4% cases of anencephaly. MRI is the modality of choice for complete assessment of meroanencephaly and antenatal ultrasonographic findings should be confirmed with fetal MRI.
A 35-year-old female presented for fetal MRI after suspicion of occipital encephalocele on antenatal ultrasound. MRI showed microcephaly with thin and abnormally shaped calvarium, a midline calvarial defect in the region of vertex with brain parenchyma protruding through the defect and deficient overlying skin covering. Meningeal covering was difficult to assess due to oligohydroamnios and close apposition of skull to uterine wall. There was absence of ventricular system and lack of normal supratentorial and infratentorial anatomical landmarks. Fetal face was normal. Persistent fetal thoracic kyphotic curvature was observed throughout the examination, spinal cord and spinal canal were normal with no spinal dysraphism. No other anomalies were demonstrated.
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Authors: Rana Abhilasha , Mansfield Kori , Radder Shrinivas , Razzaq Sania , Jayappa Sateesh , Charles Glasier , Ramakrishnaiah Raghu , Murphy Janice
Keywords: Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Brain, Congenital
Noga Michelle, Tham Edythe, Punithakumar Kumaradevan
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-034
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) is commonly used in evaluation of patients with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). Impaired peak strain by echocardiography in TOF has been associated with adverse clinical outcome. Assessment of myocardial deformation (strain) using novel CMR software may provide prognostic information in TOF. Because of ventricular interaction, abnormal left ventricle (LV) mechanics are seen in echocardiography speckle tracking. We aimed to determine correlates of right (RV) and LV function using LV diastolic filling analysis in patients with repaired TOF. Read More
Authors: Noga Michelle , Tham Edythe , Punithakumar Kumaradevan
Keywords: Cardiac, magnetic resonance imaging, Tetralogy of Fallot
Venkatakrishna Shyam Sunder, Chacko Anith, Schoeman Sean, Andronikou Savvas
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-029
Effective text-based communication, through radiologist reports, of imaging findings in term Hypoxic Ischemic Injury (HII) to family members, non-radiologist colleagues and members of the legal profession can be extremely challenging. Utilization of 3D printed models, where the actual findings of the brain can be communicated via tactile perception and rotating/grasping the models is a potential solution which has not been tested in practice. We aimed to determine the sensitivity and specificity of different groups, comprising trained radiologists, non-radiologist physicians and non-physicians, in the detection of gross disease of the cerebral cortex from 3D printed brain models derived from MRI scans of children.
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Authors: Venkatakrishna Shyam Sunder , Chacko Anith , Schoeman Sean , Andronikou Savvas
Keywords: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 3D Printing, Hypoxic Ischemic Injury
Sawyer David, Mushtaq Raza, Vedantham Srinivasan, Udayasankar Unni
Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 096
Acute appendicitis represents an important cause of abdominal pain in pediatric patients. Although imaging plays an increasingly important role in the rapid diagnosis and management of this condition, there is no universally accepted strategy for imaging children suspected of having acute appendicitis. Ultrasound and computed tomography have been used most commonly, but there is rising interest in the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) due to its lack of ionizing radiation or need for intravenous contrast. Recent research has shown that MRI has high diagnostic performance when employed as a first-line test. However, when considering the generalizability of MRI outside of a specialized tertiary care center, the question of operator dependence arises. To determine the performance of MRI when interpreted by readers with limited experience, we performed a retrospective review of preliminary MRI interpretations rendered by radiology residents at our institution, compared with final (attending radiologist) interpretations. Read More
Authors: Sawyer David , Mushtaq Raza , Vedantham Srinivasan , Udayasankar Unni
Keywords: Acute appendicitis, Magnetic resonance imaging
Vijapura Charmi, Dennhardt Joel, Fuortes Michaelangelo, Policeni Bruno, Sato Yutaka, Sato T Shawn
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-103
1. Review the normal development and anatomy of the anterior skull base.
2. Describe the variety of pathologies affecting the anterior cranial fossa in the pediatric age group with a focus on the typical computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics.
3. Discuss clinical management and imaging follow up of anterior cranial fossa pathology.
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Authors: Vijapura Charmi , Dennhardt Joel , Fuortes Michaelangelo , Policeni Bruno , Sato Yutaka , Sato T Shawn
Keywords: Anterior Cranial Fossa, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography
Dennhardt Joel, Fuortes Michaelangelo, Vijapura Charmi, Policeni Bruno, Sato Yutaka, Sato T Shawn
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-089
1) Review the normal development and anatomy of the posterior skull base.
2) Describe the variety of pathologies affecting the posterior cranial fossa in the pediatric age group with a focus on the typical computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics.
3) Discuss clinical management and imaging follow up of posterior cranial fossa pathology.
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Authors: Dennhardt Joel , Fuortes Michaelangelo , Vijapura Charmi , Policeni Bruno , Sato Yutaka , Sato T Shawn
Keywords: Skull base, Posterior Cranial Fossa, Magnetic resonance imaging
Tsang Brian, Gupta Aaryan, Takahashi Marcelo, Ola Tolulope, Baffi Henrique, Doria Andrea
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-031
1) To systematically review the uses of AI for magnetic resonance (MR) imaging assessment of primary pediatric cancer and identify common literature topics and knowledge gaps. 2) To assess the adherence of the existing literature to the Checklist for Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging (CLAIM) guidelines. Read More
Authors: Tsang Brian , Gupta Aaryan , Takahashi Marcelo , Ola Tolulope , Baffi Henrique , Doria Andrea
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Pediatric cancer, Magnetic resonance imaging
De Leon-benedetti Laura, Ramirez Suarez Karen, Otero Hansel, Rapp Jordan, Biko David, Smith Christopher, Serai Suraj, White Ammie
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-003
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has historically been restricted for patients with pacemakers, defibrillators, or other cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) due to safety concerns. Despite the introduction of MR conditional pacemakers in 2008, access to MRI in patients with CIEDS remains limited.
MRI remains the diagnostic imaging study of choice for many indications and is necessary to prevent delayed diagnosis and the decision to proceed with MRI should follow a rigorous risk benefit assessment:
Risks of:
Lead heating causing injury at their tips
Increased pacing thresholds
Sudden battery depletion
Inappropriate sensing/pacing
The location of the image should be considered because if the request includes the area of the CIED then potential artifacts may decrease the diagnostic quality. However, an MRI remote from the location of the CIED entails a negligible risk of lead heating and MRI may be performed safely with continuous patient monitoring throughout the scan. In addition, in pediatric patients the necessity of anesthesia or sedation must be well-thought-out as it conveys additional risk to the patient.
There is growing evidence from adult literature that MRI may be performed safely in patients with CIEDs with transvenous leads when appropriate protocols are followed. The Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) 2017 expert consensus statement indicates that MRI is reasonable in patients with MR non-conditional transvenous CIEDs if there are no fractured, epicardial, or abandoned leads. The Pediatric and Congenital Electrophysiology Society (PACES) of 2021 included that MRI may be considered in pediatric patients with epicardial or abandoned leads on a case-by-case basis. However, performing MRI in patients with CIEDs is a resource-intensive service and requires rigorous implant investigation, preparation, and planning as well as close coordination between treating physicians and radiologist.
This educational exhibit summarizes current literature on the safety of MRI in patients with CIEDs and takes examples from our practice to build an evaluation program that allows for safe access to MRI in patients with CIEDs
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Authors: De Leon-benedetti Laura , Ramirez Suarez Karen , Otero Hansel , Rapp Jordan , Biko David , Smith Christopher , Serai Suraj , White Ammie
Keywords: Cardiac, Magnetic Resonance
Matsubara Yoshiko, Miyazaki Osamu, Nosaka Shunsuke, Kosuga Motomichi, Okuyama Torayuki, Awai Kazuo
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-002
Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is approved for the treatment of mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) I: Hurler syndrome (IH), Hurler-Scheie syndrome (IHS) and Scheie syndrome (IS), II: Hunter syndrome, and VI: Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome. However, ERT is thought to have no therapeutic effect on the central nervous system (CNS) because the enzyme could not permeate through the blood-brain barrier (BBB). We aimed to assess CNS involvement in MPS at the start of ERT and to evaluate the interval changes demonstrated on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) over a long-term follow up. Read More
Authors: Matsubara Yoshiko , Miyazaki Osamu , Nosaka Shunsuke , Kosuga Motomichi , Okuyama Torayuki , Awai Kazuo
Keywords: mucopolysaccharidoses, enzymatic replacement therapy, magnetic resonance imaging
Cole Elizabeth, Pauly John, Vasanawala Shreyas, Cheng Joseph
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-059
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have proven to be valuable in the fields of image processing and computer vision. Our work applies complex-valued CNNs to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to reduce scan times. The reduction of scan times has widespread pediatric benefits. A typical scan requires that patients remain still for up to an hour to produce a clear image, which is difficult for children without inducing anesthesia, which carries risks. A need exists for greatly improved MRI scan times without the loss of diagnostic accuracy. This scan time can be reduced by subsampling in k-space. We use CNNs to reconstruct images from these undersampled acquisitions. Our work investigates complex-valued CNNs for image reconstruction in lieu of two-channel real-valued CNNs. Read More
Authors: Cole Elizabeth , Pauly John , Vasanawala Shreyas , Cheng Joseph
Keywords: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, deep learning, Neural network
Raubenheimer Lauren, Andronikou Savvas, Kilborn Tracy
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-053
There is little published research on the wide variation of corpus callosum (CC) morphology in children, the assessment of which is made difficult by the complex alteration of its appearance in childhood. The purpose of our study was to assess the morphology of the CC on mid-sagittal T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a large number of children and correlate the findings with demographic and clinical criteria. Read More
Authors: Raubenheimer Lauren , Andronikou Savvas , Kilborn Tracy
Keywords: children, magnetic resonance imaging, corpus callous morphology
Rana Abhilasha, Mansfield Kori, Radder Shrinivas, Razzaq Sania, Jayappa Sateesh, Charles Glasier, Ramakrishnaiah Raghu, Murphy Janice
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-028
Dandy-Walker continuum is a group of posterior-fossa malformations which presents as posterior-fossa cyst with variable degree of vermian hypoplasia on antenatal ultrasound. However, evaluation of posterior fossa is limited on antenatal ultrasound. Fetal MRI provides excellent evaluation of posterior fossa including cerebellar vermis and biometric measurements for accurate characterization of Dandy-Walker Continuum which includes classic Dandy-Walker malformation, Vermian hypoplasia, Blake pouch cyst and Mega cisterna magna (in the order of severity).
In this pictorial review we will provide a step-wise approach for accurate characterization of Dandy-Walker continuum on fetal MRI through various case-based illustrations, biometric measurements (tegmentovermian angle, vermian and lateral ventricle size) and position of 4th ventricle choroid plexus. Associated findings like ventriculomegaly, corpus callosal agenesis, cortical migrational anomalies will also be demonstrated. This will aid pediatric radiologists in providing accurate antenatal diagnosis of Dandy-Walker continuum which is helpful for post-natal management as severe cases require immediate shunting and milder cases require only follow-up.
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Authors: Rana Abhilasha , Mansfield Kori , Radder Shrinivas , Razzaq Sania , Jayappa Sateesh , Charles Glasier , Ramakrishnaiah Raghu , Murphy Janice
Keywords: Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Dandy-Walker Continuum, Neuroradiology
Matos Rojas Irma, Lazarte Claudia, Alpaca Rodriguez Larry
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-04 (R)
Three cases of dermoid cyst will be described with different clinical presentation and location. MRI and CT finding will be reviewed and correlated with pathological finding.
The first case is a 7 year- old child, with suspected diagnosis of stroke which MRI shows a midline posterior fossa tumor with fine occipital dermal sinus, better visualized in CT. The second case is 1 year- old enfant with delayed psychomotor development, a dimple with lock of hair and dorsal hemangioma, which MRI shows a dermal sinus at D4 – D5 level which continues with an intra and extramedullary mass. The last case is 2 year- old child postoperated of mielomeningocele at birth that has neurogenic blader and Chiari II with a cyst mass at conus and low spinal cord insertion.
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Authors: Matos Rojas Irma , Lazarte Claudia , Alpaca Rodriguez Larry
Keywords: Dermoid cyst, Magnetic resonance imaging, Posterior fossa, spinal
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-026
The cardiac system is the part of the fetal anatomy that most frequently suffers from congenital pathology . The fetal heart is routinely studied using first level obstetric ultrasonography. If a fetus is considered to have a cardiac defect, a detailed echocardiographic examination is required. The role of fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a tool additional to ultrasound has grown exponentially. Unlike ultrasound imaging, however, MRI is unaffected by maternal and fetal conditions such as obesity and oligohydramnios, which particularly impair sonographic visualization of the fetal heart. In this educational poster, we will provide an overview of fetal cardiac MR imaging methods and their applications in congenital heart disease. This presentation will cover recent technical advances in fetal CMR, the modified anatomic segmental approach to image fetal congenital heart disease, imaging appearances of fetal normal cardiovascular structure and appearances of various structural congenital heart disease on fetal CMR. Multiple imaging examples of fetal congenital heart disease diagnosed by fetal cardiac MR will be presented. Read More
Authors: Dong Su-zhen
Keywords: Fetus, Magnetic resonance imaging, Congenital heart disease
Krishnan Vijay, Kandula Ashrith, Nikam Rahul
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-049
In pediatric patients presenting with neurological deficit in emergency department, special attention should be given to identify the conditions that can mimic a stroke to avoiding unnecessary interventions. There are various pathologies in pediatric populations that can mimic stroke both clinically and radiologically. Radiologists, by identifying specific imaging patterns of classical stroke and also patterns of those stroke mimics, shall aid clinician in deciding treatment options in a timely manner.
In this educational poster we aims at,
1) Discussing typical imaging patterns of ischemic stroke.
2) Discussing common pathologies in pediatric age group which can mimic ischimic stroke and pose challenge to the clinicians as well as radiologists.
3) Describing various imaging findings of those stroke mimics that help to differentiate from ischemic stroke.
We discuss the imaging patterns of following pediatric stroke mimics:
- Infective pathologies, including HSV encephalitis
- Demyelinating lesions.
- Vasculitis
- Migraine.
- Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS).
- Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.
- Moya Moya disease.
- Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.
- Drug related pathologies.
- Miscellaneous conditions.
Differentiation of commonly seen stroke mimics from ischemic stroke in a timely manner helps clinician for proper management and unnecessary interventions.
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Authors: Krishnan Vijay , Kandula Ashrith , Nikam Rahul
Keywords: stroke mimics, magnetic resonance imaging
Santos Laura, Jaramillo Diego, Raya José, Jambawalikar Sachin, Nguyen Jie, Mostoufi-moab Sogol
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-053
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) depicts the anisotropic motion of water molecules limited by tissue microstructure. Images of tractography provide qualitative information about complex tissue architecture, so that diffusion metrics reflect physeal activity.
DTI’s main clinical application is on brain white matter, but it can be used in any tissue in which there is organized tissue structure. Our research group has used tractography of the knee to study the structure of the physis and adjacent metaphysis and investigated the potential of DTI metrics as biomarkers predictive of skeletal growth. DTI parameters include tract count, tract length and tract volume and fractional anisotropy (FA). They can help distinguish between a normal and a dysfunctional physis, predict post-imaging growth and physeal closure, and possibly determine response to growth hormone treatment.
We will demonstrate the techniques for data acquisition, preprocessing, and analysis, and the basis for interpretation, based on our experience of performing DTI in over 900 knees. Each step has its own challenges for the standardization and optimization of DTI of the physis. The goal of this poster is to showcase our experience with the establishment of an efficient DTI pipeline. We will: 1) Discuss the impact of variation of DTI acquisition parameters (e.g. Time to Echo (TE), number of directions, b-value, voxel size…); 2) Describe programs for distortion correction and denoising , as well as the required post-processing software programs; 3) Discuss approaches to standardize the acquisition in the different anatomic areas and cross vendors; 4) Discuss the normal change of tractography data and physeal DTI metrics with age, sex and specific knee physis. We will show how DTI changes due to physeal dysfunction in different pathologies, such as growth hormone deficiency, trauma, arthritis, metabolic disorders and chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Finally, we will show how DTI can be used to predict height gain and final height compared to conventional bone age-based methods and standard growth charts, which are inaccurate and not generalizable to the current child/adolescent population.
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Authors: Santos Laura , Jaramillo Diego , Raya José , Jambawalikar Sachin , Nguyen Jie , Mostoufi-moab Sogol
Keywords: magnetic resonance imaging, growth plate, diffusion tensor imaging
Hill Ann, Hirsig Leslie, Yazdani Milad, Collins Heather, Jenkins Dorothea
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-015
MRS is the best prognostic indicator for hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) but is difficult to obtain early after injury. We investigated whether cerebral blood flow measures of resistive indices (RI) and time average maximum velocities (TAMx) shortly after birth would relate to later degree of neural injury by MRI in hypothermic HIE newborns. We predicted that abnormally high/low blood flow would be associated with poor outcomes. Read More
Authors: Hill Ann , Hirsig Leslie , Yazdani Milad , Collins Heather , Jenkins Dorothea
Keywords: Cerebral Blood Flow, Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE), Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS)
Zhong Yumin, Sun Aimin, Gao Wei
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-086
Tracheobronchial anomalies including tracheobronchial stenosis, tracheal bronchus, cardiac bronchus and bronchial isomerism are common in congenital heart disease. Cardiovascular anomaly is the principal extrinsic lesion causing tracheobronchial stenosis. MRI has the advantage of being non-ionizing and providing excellent soft tissue contrast for the diagnosis of congenital heart disease and tracheobronchial anomalies
Purpose: To define diagnostic accuracy of three-dimensional turbo field echo (3D-TFE) to detect tracheobronchial anomalies in patients with congenital heart disease
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Authors: Zhong Yumin , Sun Aimin , Gao Wei
Keywords: Tracheobronchial Anomalies, congenital heart disease, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sequence
Rao Jhanavi, Thakor Dipakkumar, Schroeder Jason
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-072
Leukocoria or the white eye reflex is an abnormal pupillary light reflection on ocular examination and is usually indicative of serious intraocular pathology. It is most often seen in children. Immediate diagnosis and management are mandatory as most conditions are vision threatening, and some like retinoblastoma life threatening. It is important to identify underlying pathologies early, especially conditions such as retinoblastoma with immediate referral to a pediatric ophthalmologist.
An interdisciplinary liaison with a pediatric radiologist, retina specialist, and ocular oncologist will help in the management of eyes with leukocoria in an appropriate manner. Imaging also plays a critical role in assessing treatment response.
In this educational exhibit, we will highlight key cross-sectional imaging findings of ocular abnormalities associated with leukocoria that provide valuable clues in diagnosing the important pathologies in the pediatric population. These findings may include calcific masses, microphthalmia, vascular abnormalities, hemorrhage and enhancement patterns, all which aid in narrowing down the differential diagnosis of leukocoria.
The diagnosis of intra-ocular pathologies commonly resulting in pediatric leukocoria is a complex task that often necessitates a multidisciplinary approach, complemented by multimodality imaging and often genetic analysis. Cross-sectional imaging proves to be a valuable tool for refining the list of potential diagnoses based on structural abnormalities and guiding clinicians towards specific confirmatory tests.
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Authors: Rao Jhanavi , Thakor Dipakkumar , Schroeder Jason
Keywords: Orbit, CT, Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-010
1. Review the safety, limitations and advantages of fetal cardiac MR (CMR)
2. Discuss potentialindications of fetal CMR
3. Describe the technique of fetal CMR, including imaging sequences, imaging planes, the method
of overcoming motion artifact
4. Illustrate the appearance of normal fetal cardiac structures and present a modified anatomic
segmental approach of congenital heart disease (CHD) at prenatal CMR
5. Demonstrate examples of fetal CMR in the evaluation of various cardiovascular anomalies
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Authors: Dong Su-zhen
Keywords: Fetus, cardiac magnetic resonance, congenital heart disease
Kazelka Maryam, Shao Lei, Mcgraw Marty, Neville Kucera Jennifer
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-016
Spindle cell sarcomas are a rare and aggressive type of soft-tissue sarcoma. Although rhabdomyosarcomas are the most common childhood sarcoma, the spindle cell type is incredibly rare. A 25-year-old healthy G2P1001 female presents at 34 weeks gestational age with fetal growth restriction of a male fetus. Prenatal ultrasound showed a complex vascular mass exophytic to the distal spine, with a presumed diagnosis of sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT). For further characterization, a fetal MRI was performed at 35 weeks gestation, which showed a solid appearing mass exophytic to the pelvis and involving the proximal thigh. Many features of the tumor were atypical for sacrococcygeal teratoma: the mass being more homogenous than expected, lacking cystic components that would normally been seen in a SCT, and involving the thigh but without definite involvement of the spine. It was also noted that the normal T1 meconium signal in the rectum was displaced posteriorly by the mass. At that time, an alternative differential diagnosis was suggested: sarcoma including fibrosarcoma or rhabdomyosarcoma, myofibroma, or less likely atypical sacrococcygeal teratoma. The baby was born via C-section at 37 weeks and 1 day gestation. A postnatal MRI showed the mass exophytic to the pelvis with some intrapelvic extension via the inguinal canal. Lack of spine involvement was confirmed. Signal characteristics of the tumor were similar to that of skeletal muscle, with a few focal areas of internal hemorrhage. The tumor had mass effect on multiple structures: deviating and tethering of the rectum to the right and stretching it inferiorly; displacing the anus posteriorly; uplifting the bladder; and abutting the base of the penis with no clear fat planes. Surgical resection was performed when the baby was 6 days old. Pathology evaluation revealed a sarcoma that was diffusely infiltrative with NTRK reactivity by immunohistochemistry. Molecular studies by next-generation sequencing reported TPM3-NTRK1 fusion in the tumor. Pathology was most suggestive of a spindle-cell sarcoma. It is important for the pediatric radiologist to be familiar with fetal soft tissue tumors to help facilitate family counseling and delivery planning. The radiologist should understand imaging features that may help distinguish more rare soft tissue tumors from sacrococcygeal teratomas. Although an exact diagnosis may not be possible prenatally, a multidisciplinary approach ensures the best possible patient outcomes. Read More
Authors: Kazelka Maryam , Shao Lei , Mcgraw Marty , Neville Kucera Jennifer
Keywords: Sarcomas, Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Junhasavasdikul Thitiporn, Kellenberger Christian, Tolend Mirkamal, Doria Andrea
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-107
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is the most common musculoskeletal disorder in children. The temporomandibular joints (TMJs) are involved in majority of cases, and detection of early arthritic changes in these joints relies on contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, with the paucity of evidence and consensus on the normal and pathologic changes in this small but complex joint, interpretation of TMJ MRIs remains to be difficult. This exhibit presents the normal growth related and arthritis related variations in the disease progression in TMJ MRIs of JIA patients. Read More
Authors: Junhasavasdikul Thitiporn , Kellenberger Christian , Tolend Mirkamal , Doria Andrea
Keywords: Temporomandibular joint, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Magnetic resonance imaging atlas
Duong Phuong, Mostoufi-moab Sogol, Raya José, Jaimes Camilo, Delgado Jorge, Jaramillo Diego
Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 057
To compare how 3D MRI measurements of physeal cartilage volume, and DTI measurements (tract volume and length) correlate with growth parameters and detect differences in growth between patients treated with cis-retinoic acid and controls.
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Authors: Duong Phuong , Mostoufi-moab Sogol , Raya José , Jaimes Camilo , Delgado Jorge , Jaramillo Diego
Keywords: magnetic resonance imaging, growth plate, short stature
Aslan Mine, Kalyoncu Ucar Ayse, Arioz Habibi Hatice, Namdar Yesim, Kurugoglu Sebuh, Adaletli Ibrahim
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-027
Wolman disease is a rare autosomal recessive inherited disease characterized by storage of cholesterol esters and triglycerides in lysosomes due to a deficiency of lysosomal acid lipase. Clinical signs such as persistent vomiting, diarrhea, hepatosplenomegaly, growth retardation and liver dysfunction occur in the first weeks of life. Most cases die in the first year of life. Here, we aim to present radiological findings of Wolman disease.
An asymptomatic girl two months of age was admitted to the pediatric genetic disease service with the history of Wolman disease in two brothers who had died in the neonatal period. Abdominal X-ray imaging displayed calcification of the bilateral adrenal gland regions. Hepatosplenomegaly and bilateral adrenal gland posterior acoustic shadowing due to calcifications were revealed by abdominal sonography. Magnetic resonance imaging showed enlarged hypointense adrenal glands in all sequences and hepatosplenomegaly. The lysosomal acid lipase levels were low compatible with Wolman disease.
Multimodality radiologic imaging methods should be performed to display hepatosplenomegaly, hepatosteatosis, bilateral adrenal gland enlargement and calcification in Wolman disease.
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Authors: Aslan Mine , Kalyoncu Ucar Ayse , Arioz Habibi Hatice , Namdar Yesim , Kurugoglu Sebuh , Adaletli Ibrahim
Keywords: Wolman Disease, Sonography, Adrenal gland, calcification, magnetic resonance imaging
Yen Christopher, Bhakta Kavita, Terzo Madison, Guleria Saurabh, Hussaini Shaheen, Huynh Tommy
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-014
Non-contrast MRI with focused rapid-acquisition sequences can be used in place of CT for effective diagnosis of pediatric acute appendicitis (PAS). However, higher costs and limited resources are major considerations when considering its use. The goal of this study was to evaluate accuracy, utilization, and cost of MR compared to US and CT in the diagnosis of PAS. Read More
Authors: Yen Christopher , Bhakta Kavita , Terzo Madison , Guleria Saurabh , Hussaini Shaheen , Huynh Tommy
Bareño Sandra, Pérez-marrero Lizbet, Fuentealba Isabel, Pose Georgette, Soto Gloria, Silva Claudio, Salinas Cesar
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-056
To determine the cause of obstructive hydronephrosis using fMRU in pediatric patients with inconclusive conventional studies. Read More
Authors: Bareño Sandra , Pérez-marrero Lizbet , Fuentealba Isabel , Pose Georgette , Soto Gloria , Silva Claudio , Salinas Cesar
Keywords: Hydronephrosis, Magnetic Resonance Urography Scan, Ureteropelvic junction stenosis, Obstructive hydronephrosis, Differential renal function
Goncalves Fabricio, Pinelli Lorenzo, Mankad Kshitij, Alves Cesar Augusto, Teixeira Sara, Andronikou Savvas, Vossough Arastoo
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-050
Intracranial calcification (ICC) can be either physiological or pathological. Physiological ICC is not an expected neuroimaging finding in the neonatal period but can be seen as children grow older in the pineal gland, habenula, choroid plexus, and occasionally in the dura mater. Pathological ICC can be broadly divided into six groups: infectious, toxic, neurodegenerative, neoplastic, vascular, and syndromic. The first two groups are typically composed of diseases that more commonly result in static encephalopathies, whereas the last four groups are composed of diseases that tend to cause progressive encephalopathy.
Various neuroimaging modalities have distinct utilities and sensitivities in the depiction of ICC. Age at presentation, ICC location, and additional neuroimaging findings are useful information that may be useful to narrow down the differential diagnosis of ICC. Bilateral ICC is commonly due to congenital infections or due to neurodegenerative or infectious diseases. ICC involving the basal ganglia and thalami are commonly seen in neurodegenerative diseases. ICC can be seen in isolation or be associated with other neuroimaging features.
TORCH infections are the most common neonatal causes of ICC. ICC in congenital infections can be associated with clastic changes, hydrocephalus, chorioretinitis, white matter abnormalities, skull changes, and cortical development malformations. Specific non-infectious causes of ICC that mimic TORCH infections are known as pseudo-TORCH. Neurodegenerative diseases causing ICC are mainly due to parathyroid and thyroid hormone dysfunction and inborn errors of metabolism, such as MELAS, Kearns Sayre and Cockayne syndrome, interferonopathies syndrome, and Krabbe disease. Tumoral ICCs are more commonly seen in low-grade tumors. Arteriovenous malformations, arteriovenous fistulas, chronic venous hypertension, and cavernomas are also known causes of ICC. Other vascular causes of ICC include atherosclerosis, healed hematoma, radiotherapy treatment, old infarct, and disorders of the microvasculature such as COL4A1- and COL4A2-related diseases. Down syndrome and phakomatosis are also known causes of ICC.
Clinical information such as age at presentation; maternal exposure to teratogens, such as virus; in addition to the association with chromosomal abnormalities; genetic mutations and postnatal infections, facilitate in the differential diagnosis of the multiple causes of ICC.
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Authors: Goncalves Fabricio , Pinelli Lorenzo , Mankad Kshitij , Alves Cesar Augusto , Teixeira Sara , Andronikou Savvas , Vossough Arastoo
Keywords: Calcification, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance
Vazquez Elida, Delgado Ignacio, Sanchez-montañez Angel, Barber Ignasi
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-024
Open spinal dysraphism occurs as a consequence of failed neurulation during embryological development and includes two subtypes, myelomeningocele and myelocele. Intrauterine fetal repair can result in reversal of the associated Chiari II malformation and is now considered a treatment option.
The main imaging method for prenatal detection, management, and monitoring of open neural tube defects is US, but MRI is essential for the preoperative assessment, indications and workup for fetal surgery, and postnatal follow-up. This prospective study describes the contribution of MRI in this clinical scenario.
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Authors: Vazquez Elida , Delgado Ignacio , Sanchez-montañez Angel , Barber Ignasi
Keywords: Fetal, Neonatal, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Myelomeningocele, Spina bifida