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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Dandy Walker Continuum
Showing 1 Abstract.

Rana Abhilasha,  Mansfield Kori,  Radder Shrinivas,  Razzaq Sania,  Jayappa Sateesh,  Charles Glasier,  Ramakrishnaiah Raghu,  Murphy Janice

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-028

Dandy-Walker continuum is a group of posterior-fossa malformations which presents as posterior-fossa cyst with variable degree of vermian hypoplasia on antenatal ultrasound. However, evaluation of posterior fossa is limited on antenatal ultrasound. Fetal MRI provides excellent evaluation of posterior fossa including cerebellar vermis and biometric measurements for accurate characterization of Dandy-Walker Continuum which includes classic Dandy-Walker malformation, Vermian hypoplasia, Blake pouch cyst and Mega cisterna magna (in the order of severity).
In this pictorial review we will provide a step-wise approach for accurate characterization of Dandy-Walker continuum on fetal MRI through various case-based illustrations, biometric measurements (tegmentovermian angle, vermian and lateral ventricle size) and position of 4th ventricle choroid plexus. Associated findings like ventriculomegaly, corpus callosal agenesis, cortical migrational anomalies will also be demonstrated. This will aid pediatric radiologists in providing accurate antenatal diagnosis of Dandy-Walker continuum which is helpful for post-natal management as severe cases require immediate shunting and milder cases require only follow-up.
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Authors:  Rana Abhilasha , Mansfield Kori , Radder Shrinivas , Razzaq Sania , Jayappa Sateesh , Charles Glasier , Ramakrishnaiah Raghu , Murphy Janice

Keywords:  Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Dandy-Walker Continuum, Neuroradiology