Shunt malfunction evaluation traditionally relied on radiographs and CT head scans, but the transition to MR imaging is imperative to minimize radiation exposure. In this context, we aim to revisit the signs of variation of intracranial pressure changes on MRI in a clinical setting of suspected shunt malfunction. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Radder Shrinivas, Razzaq Sania, Charles Glasier, Choudhary Arabinda, Jayappa Sateesh, Murphy Janice, Ramakrishnaiah Raghu
Keywords: Shunt Malfunction, Rapid Sequence Limited MRI, Revisiting MRI Signs
Meroanencephaly is an extremely rare open neural tube under anencephaly spectrum with midline superior calvarial defect, herniation of disorganised brain parenchyma through the defect with deficient overlying skin. Anencephaly has an incidence of 0.1% on antenatal ultrasound, meroanencephaly is even rarer accounting for 3.4% cases of anencephaly. MRI is the modality of choice for complete assessment of meroanencephaly and antenatal ultrasonographic findings should be confirmed with fetal MRI. A 35-year-old female presented for fetal MRI after suspicion of occipital encephalocele on antenatal ultrasound. MRI showed microcephaly with thin and abnormally shaped calvarium, a midline calvarial defect in the region of vertex with brain parenchyma protruding through the defect and deficient overlying skin covering. Meningeal covering was difficult to assess due to oligohydroamnios and close apposition of skull to uterine wall. There was absence of ventricular system and lack of normal supratentorial and infratentorial anatomical landmarks. Fetal face was normal. Persistent fetal thoracic kyphotic curvature was observed throughout the examination, spinal cord and spinal canal were normal with no spinal dysraphism. No other anomalies were demonstrated. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025
Authors: Rana Abhilasha, Mansfield Kori, Radder Shrinivas, Razzaq Sania, Jayappa Sateesh, Charles Glasier, Ramakrishnaiah Raghu, Murphy Janice
Keywords: Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Brain, Congenital
Objective: The optic nerves are covered by the meningeal sheath and the nerve is surrounded by the fluid which communicates with the CSF space intracranially. Any variations in the CSF pressure can alter the perioptic space fluid and cause pressure effects on the optic nerve head. The optic disc does not possess cells of muller which hold nerve fibers together unlike other retinal cells, and hence swells up easily with increasing CSF pressure resulting in papilledema. Conversely, a decrease in intracranial pressure can cause perioptic space to collapse. Our aim in this exhibit is to present the normal appearance of the perioptic space on MRI, normal optic nerve sheath diameter, our institutional MRI protocol for optic nerve/ perioptic space evaluation, pathologies that cause changes in the perioptic space, and how perioptic space variations can be a clue to look for pathologies. Learning points: Our exhibit includes: Our institutional protocol for evaluation of the perioptic space and the optic nerve Normal appearance of perioptic space on different MRI sequences including high resolution T2W coronal, T2W axial and BFFE sequences Interesting case reports with altered perioptic space fluid including 1. Idiopatic intracranial hypertension 2. Shunt malfunction 3. Shunt over drainage 4. An interesting case of pseudotumor progressing to intracranial hypotension 5. Foster Kennedy syndrome 6. Intracranial hypotension 7. Differentiation of papilledema versus drusen The importance of looking at perioptic space and how it gives clue to the underlying pathology Associated findings to be evaluated on MRI Discussion: Perioptic spaces can give a clue to underlying intracranial pathologies. It is imperative for the radiologists to carefully evaluate the perioptic spaces and to look for additional findings if there is a variation. If there is dilatation of the perioptic space, it is important to look at the additional features including tortuosity of the optic nerves, protrusion of the optic disc, partial empty sella, enlarged meckel’s cave and bilateral transverse sinuses for stenosis. When there is collapse of the peri-optic space, other associated findings should be looked at including pachymeningeal enhancement, venous distention sign, cerebral edema, tonsillar ectopia, and other quantitative features like mamillopontine distance. Also, it is important to evaluate for tumors which can also result either in perioptic space distention or collapse. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2023 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2023
Authors: Jaganathan Sriram, Krishnan Venkatram, Jayappa Sateesh, Murphy Janice, Phillips Paul, Ramakrishnaiah Raghu, Charles Glasier, Choudhary Arabinda
Keywords: Perioptic space, distention and collapse, intracranial CSF pressure changes
Caudal regression syndrome (CRS) refers to a rare disorder with varying degrees of agenesis or malformations of the lower thoracic, lumbar, and sacral spine as well as the spinal cord with varying clinico-radiological features. Estimated incidence ranges from 5-10:100,000 births. Imaging is an integral part of the diagnosis and management of this condition. An extensive review of the imaging spectrum of CRS with several case-based examples would enable a complete understanding of the condition. We reviewed the imaging appearance of several cases of caudal regression, including in utero cases, from our tertiary care university based pediatric hospital. The various associated malformations, especially of the spinal cord, were examined in detail. We also analyzed the clinical symptomatology of these patients and correlated them with the imaging patterns. A detailed review of related literature was performed and consolidated information on the clinico-radiological spectrum of CRS was compiled. The following aspects of CRS have been discussed in detail: Predisposing maternal conditions and pathogenesis of CRS in the fetus. Pang groups 1 and 2 CRS and their imaging features. Renshaw types 1 to 4 sacral agenesis and their imaging features. Role of radiographs, ultrasound, and MRI in CRS. Spectrum of MRI features in the cord including shape of conus, level of termination, presence of cord tethering, associated neural tube defects and associated syrinx. Clinical manifestations of various types and their correlation with imaging features. Imaging features correlating with progressive versus static neurological deficits. Imaging features that could signal potential benefit from surgical treatments. Prenatal diagnosis of CRS on obstetric ultrasound and fetal MRI: Imaging patterns and importance of antenatal diagnosis. Associated anomalies and syndromes and necessary additional imaging in CRS cases. Pitfalls in imaging of CRS. A complete understanding of CRS including clinico-radiological correlation of symptomatology and imaging appearance in CRS would enable detailed and accurate reporting of these scans. In particular, identifying imaging features that correlate with progressive neurological deficits and those that may benefit from surgical intervention can significantly improve patient management. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2023 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2023
Authors: Krishnan Venkatram, Jaganathan Sriram, Murphy Janice, Choudhary Arabinda, Jayappa Sateesh, Rowell Amy, Charles Glasier, Ramakrishnaiah Raghu
Keywords: Spine, Spinal Cord, Congenital
Dandy-Walker continuum is a group of posterior-fossa malformations which presents as posterior-fossa cyst with variable degree of vermian hypoplasia on antenatal ultrasound. However, evaluation of posterior fossa is limited on antenatal ultrasound. Fetal MRI provides excellent evaluation of posterior fossa including cerebellar vermis and biometric measurements for accurate characterization of Dandy-Walker Continuum which includes classic Dandy-Walker malformation, Vermian hypoplasia, Blake pouch cyst and Mega cisterna magna (in the order of severity). In this pictorial review we will provide a step-wise approach for accurate characterization of Dandy-Walker continuum on fetal MRI through various case-based illustrations, biometric measurements (tegmentovermian angle, vermian and lateral ventricle size) and position of 4th ventricle choroid plexus. Associated findings like ventriculomegaly, corpus callosal agenesis, cortical migrational anomalies will also be demonstrated. This will aid pediatric radiologists in providing accurate antenatal diagnosis of Dandy-Walker continuum which is helpful for post-natal management as severe cases require immediate shunting and milder cases require only follow-up. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025
Authors: Rana Abhilasha, Mansfield Kori, Radder Shrinivas, Razzaq Sania, Jayappa Sateesh, Charles Glasier, Ramakrishnaiah Raghu, Murphy Janice
Keywords: Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Dandy-Walker Continuum, Neuroradiology
Ultrasound is the initial modality for assessment of fetal anatomy. Fetal ventriculomegaly is detected in 1% of antenatal ultrasounds, further evaluation may be limited due to head position, acoustic shadow from skull bones and lack of contrast resolution. By overcoming these limitations fetal MRI plays an important role in diagnostic work-up of ventriculomegaly and aids in further characterization of associated anomalies. It is important for pediatric radiologists to be aware of various causes of ventriculomegaly, associated central nervous system and other anomalies as accurate antenatal diagnosis aids in determining further management (fetal surgery, mode of delivery, post-natal treatment). This educational exhibit will provide comprehensive review of role of fetal MRI in ventriculomegaly including fetal MRI sequences, broad spectrum of ventriculomegaly cases (rare syndromic cases- Neu Laxova, Aicardi syndrome; cebocephaly, holoprosencephaly, migrational anomalies, hydranencephaly, unilateral lateral ventriculomegaly, aqueductal stenosis, interhemispheric cyst, Chiari-2, intracranial hemorrhage), classification of ventriculomegaly (classified as developmental, obstructive and destructive with ex-vacuo ventricular dilatation) and associated anomalies (facial, spinal, limb, gastrointestinal, genitourinary). A comprehensive understanding of ventriculomegaly and associated anomalies on fetal MRI will aid the pediatric radiologists in arriving at accurate diagnosis. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025
Authors: Rana Abhilasha, Mansfield Kori, Radder Shrinivas, Razzaq Sania, Jayappa Sateesh, Charles Glasier, Ramakrishnaiah Raghu, Murphy Janice
Keywords: Fetal MRI, Ventriculomegaly, Neuroradiology
Introduction: Radiology residents typically receive limited exposure to dental radiology during their training. However, they frequently encounter dental pathologies while scanning the brain or maxillofacial regions for other clinical purposes. Understanding basic principles of dental radiology is essential for accurately assessing maxillo-facial computed topography (CT) scans, as these pathologies can go under-recognized and potentially have significant impact on diagnosis and treatment. Purpose: This study aims to highlight the importance of dental radiology knowledge for radiology residents and fellows. By recognizing dental pathologies in imaging studies, radiologists can contribute to better management and care of pediatric patients. Discussion: This will be a pictorial educational exhibit obtaining cases from the teaching database at a pediatric tertiary care hospital. We will present cases in a pictorial format, primarily focusing on conventional CT, orthopantomograms (OPG), and cone-beam computed topography (CBCT). The discussion will cover various dental pathologies encountered, including: Impacted Dental Prosthesis: Leading to maleruption of the teeth, a dentist’s perspective; Prosthesis Malfunction: Identifying signs of failure and the implications for patient care; Post-Maxillofacial Surgery Complications: Examining alterations due to mechanical stress on the mandible, leading to exostosis and other lesions; Dental issues in Syndromes affecting the Faciocranium: Dental issues in well-known syndromes such as Pierre Robin, hemifacial microsomia, Goldenhar syndrome, etcetera; Unexpected Findings: Perforation of the mandibular fossa into the middle cranial fossa as a sequalae of juvenile inflammatory arthritis and trauma. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025
Authors: Mansfield Kori, Rana Abhilasha, Radder Shrinivas, Razzaq Sania, Charles Glasier, Murphy Janice, Jayappa Sateesh, Ramakrishnaiah Raghu
Keywords: Computed Tomography, Neuroradiology, Diagnostic Accuracy
Objectives: Acute appendicitis is one of the common emergent indications for imaging in the hospital setting. Though ultrasound and/or CT remains the primary imaging modality, MRI with rapid sequence imaging is also gaining credence at multiple pediatric institutions to replace CT or even replacing Ultrasound in specific settings, as the first line imaging modality. Our aim in this exhibit is to present our initial experience on implementation of a limited rapid sequence MRI appendix, at our tertiary care pediatric hospital, to evaluate for acute RLQ pain. We also detail the advantages of MRI over CT scan, pitfalls of MRI, the appearance of acute appendicitis and complications including perforation/ abscess, and other pathologies, which we found on MRI during the evaluation for acute abdominal pain. Learning points: Our exhibit includes: Role of MRI appendix – emerging as an alternative to CT in diagnostic dilemma and avoids radiation Logistics of setting up MRI appendix protocol and managing expectations Decision on when to use MRI for evaluation of suspected appendix Describe rapid sequence tailored protocol developed at our institution In the context of increasing supply chain disruption issues such as CT contrast shortage, the advantages and disadvantages of MRI Normal appearance of the appendix and peri-appendiceal region Classical appearances on MRI appendix 1. Acute Appendicitis 2. Inflammatory mass 3. Contained appendiceal perforation 4. Abscess 5. Identifying appendicolith 6. Perforated appendicitis with abscesses in extraperitoneal spaces Alternate pathologies which we may mimic appendicitis and was identified on MRI 1. Terminal ileitis 2. Colitis 3. Ovarian pathology Discussion: Acute appendicitis is one of the common pathologies encountered in pediatric emergency setting and needs prompt attention. Ultrasound is the cheapest and most easily available imaging modality, but is operator dependent, and may be limited by patient body habitus, and location of the appendix. MRI is emerging as an alternative to CT in the evaluation of appendicitis in the pediatric population. Our initial experience with implementation of the MRI appendix protocol is promising in terms of acceptance by the clinical teams, image resolution, diagnostic confidence, logistical support from the administrators, sensitivity and patient outcome. We had the added benefit of being able to utilize this protocol during CT service disruptions and contrast shortage. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2023 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2023
Authors: Jaganathan Sriram, Rowell Amy, Ali Sumera, Krishnan Venkatram, Jayappa Sateesh, Murphy Janice, Ramakrishnaiah Raghu, Wong Kevin, Schmitz Kelli, Choudhary Arabinda, Buchmann Robert
Keywords: MRI Appendix, Rapid sequence imaging, iodinated contrast shortage