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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive


Final ID: Poster #: EDU-064

Unusual Dental and Maxillo-Facial Findings Seen on Maxillo-Facial CT: What Radiology Residents and Fellows Should Know About Pediatric Dental Radiology

Purpose or Case Report: Introduction: Radiology residents typically receive limited exposure to dental radiology during their training. However, they frequently encounter dental pathologies while scanning the brain or maxillofacial regions for other clinical purposes. Understanding basic principles of dental radiology is essential for accurately assessing maxillo-facial computed topography (CT) scans, as these pathologies can go under-recognized and potentially have significant impact on diagnosis and treatment. Purpose: This study aims to highlight the importance of dental radiology knowledge for radiology residents and fellows. By recognizing dental pathologies in imaging studies, radiologists can contribute to better management and care of pediatric patients. Discussion: This will be a pictorial educational exhibit obtaining cases from the teaching database at a pediatric tertiary care hospital. We will present cases in a pictorial format, primarily focusing on conventional CT, orthopantomograms (OPG), and cone-beam computed topography (CBCT). The discussion will cover various dental pathologies encountered, including: Impacted Dental Prosthesis: Leading to maleruption of the teeth, a dentist’s perspective; Prosthesis Malfunction: Identifying signs of failure and the implications for patient care; Post-Maxillofacial Surgery Complications: Examining alterations due to mechanical stress on the mandible, leading to exostosis and other lesions; Dental issues in Syndromes affecting the Faciocranium: Dental issues in well-known syndromes such as Pierre Robin, hemifacial microsomia, Goldenhar syndrome, etcetera; Unexpected Findings: Perforation of the mandibular fossa into the middle cranial fossa as a sequalae of juvenile inflammatory arthritis and trauma.
Methods & Materials:
Conclusions: Accurate identification and understanding of dental and related maxillo-facial findings allow for better diagnosis and management, ultimately enhancing patient care in pediatric populations.
  • Mansfield, Kori  ( University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences , Little Rock , Arkansas , United States )
  • Rana, Abhilasha  ( University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences , Little Rock , Arkansas , United States )
  • Radder, Shrinivas  ( University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences , Little Rock , Arkansas , United States )
  • Razzaq, Sania  ( University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences , Little Rock , Arkansas , United States )
  • Charles, Glasier  ( University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences , Little Rock , Arkansas , United States )
  • Murphy, Janice  ( University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences , Little Rock , Arkansas , United States )
  • Jayappa, Sateesh  ( University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences , Little Rock , Arkansas , United States )
  • Ramakrishnaiah, Raghu  ( University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences , Little Rock , Arkansas , United States )
Meeting Info:
Session Info:

Posters - Educational


SPR Posters - Educational

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