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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Showing 2 Abstracts.

Kelsch Ryan,  Moore Megan,  Krishnan Anant

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-011

The purpose of this research was to analyze our institution’s large database of fetal magnetic resonance (MR) for cases of ventriculomegaly in order to understand trends in pre and postnatal MR. Read More

Authors:  Kelsch Ryan , Moore Megan , Krishnan Anant

Keywords:  Ventriculomegaly, Fetal, MR

Rana Abhilasha,  Mansfield Kori,  Radder Shrinivas,  Razzaq Sania,  Jayappa Sateesh,  Charles Glasier,  Ramakrishnaiah Raghu,  Murphy Janice

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-025

Ultrasound is the initial modality for assessment of fetal anatomy. Fetal ventriculomegaly is detected in 1% of antenatal ultrasounds, further evaluation may be limited due to head position, acoustic shadow from skull bones and lack of contrast resolution. By overcoming these limitations fetal MRI plays an important role in diagnostic work-up of ventriculomegaly and aids in further characterization of associated anomalies. It is important for pediatric radiologists to be aware of various causes of ventriculomegaly, associated central nervous system and other anomalies as accurate antenatal diagnosis aids in determining further management (fetal surgery, mode of delivery, post-natal treatment).
This educational exhibit will provide comprehensive review of role of fetal MRI in ventriculomegaly including fetal MRI sequences, broad spectrum of ventriculomegaly cases (rare syndromic cases- Neu Laxova, Aicardi syndrome; cebocephaly, holoprosencephaly, migrational anomalies, hydranencephaly, unilateral lateral ventriculomegaly, aqueductal stenosis, interhemispheric cyst, Chiari-2, intracranial hemorrhage), classification of ventriculomegaly (classified as developmental, obstructive and destructive with ex-vacuo ventricular dilatation) and associated anomalies (facial, spinal, limb, gastrointestinal, genitourinary). A comprehensive understanding of ventriculomegaly and associated anomalies on fetal MRI will aid the pediatric radiologists in arriving at accurate diagnosis.
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Authors:  Rana Abhilasha , Mansfield Kori , Radder Shrinivas , Razzaq Sania , Jayappa Sateesh , Charles Glasier , Ramakrishnaiah Raghu , Murphy Janice

Keywords:  Fetal MRI, Ventriculomegaly, Neuroradiology