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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Showing 12 Abstracts.

Riemann Monique,  Bell Denise

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-026

15 y/o female with congenital glaucoma presents to the emergency room with right eye pain, redness and swelling. She has baseline corneal opacifications and can see light and shadows but is otherwise visually impaired. The symptoms started 2 weeks prior foreign body sensation her right eye. Antibiotic drops were prescribed but symptoms continued to worsen. A week later another topical antibiotic was added but the eye began to swell, have increased pain, and developed discharge. Her opthomalogist referred her to the ER with concern of endophthalmitis (serious intraocular infection that affects the vitreous and/or aqueous humors of the eye).
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Authors:  Riemann Monique , Bell Denise

Keywords:  ultrasound, orbits, cellulitis

Pelizzari Mario,  Joulia Vulekovich Lara,  Musso Marcos,  Montalvetti Pablo

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-082

Ultrasound offers high sensitivity in diagnosing vitreous pathologies in pediatric patients and is increasingly being used as the preferred method for diagnosis since it does not use ionizing radiation.
The vitreous body is a transparent, gelatinous substance found inside the eye cavity and occupies the space between the lens and the retina. It is avascular and its echostructure is anechoic. Its main function is to provide structural stability, giving volume to the eyeball and providing support to the retina.
Different pathologies can affect it, both congenital and acquired. In pediatrics the most common ones are vitreous hemorrhage, vitritis, posterior vitreous detachment, synchysis scintillans and asteroid hyalosis. Clinically, they can present asymptomatically or with various symptoms such as myodesopsias, photopsias and decreased visual acuity, among others.
Ultrasound and Doppler are excellent methods for studying the eyeball, as it is a superficial organ with a liquid component. Furthermore, they are accessible, non-invasive methods that do not require anesthesia and it provide relevant information, especially when opacification of the anterior segment hinders direct ophthalmological examination.
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Authors:  Pelizzari Mario , Joulia Vulekovich Lara , Musso Marcos , Montalvetti Pablo

Keywords:  Vitreous, orbit, Ultrasonography

Pelizzari Mario,  Joulia Vulekovich Lara,  Musso Marcos,  Montalvetti Pablo

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-074

This educational work aims to describe and differentiate possible diagnostic scenarios in crystalline lens pathology. It seeks to showcase the signs that enable differential diagnosis through ultrasound imaging.

The crystalline lens is a transparent, biconvex, flexible, and avascular structure located behind the iris and in front of the vitreous body. Sonographically it is anechoic, with a 3.5 mm thickness in newborns and 4.5 mm in adults. Its primary function is accommodation, to adjust the eye's vision for different distances. It is the site of various pathologies at different stages of life, in which the lens may be absent, altered in shape, or echogenicity.
Clinically, it presents with a loss or decrease in visual acuity, with or without lens opacification. The type of presentation varies according to the patient's age and the underlying anomaly.
Ultrasound is a fast, non-invasive method that does not use radiation or contrast material, does not require anesthesia, and provides valuable information.

In the presence of visual acuity loss, whether or not associated with lens opacification, the radiologist's essential role is to complement the clinical and ophthalmological examination. The findings in different lens anomalies are characteristic. Ultrasound is the method of choice for their diagnosis and monitoring.
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Authors:  Pelizzari Mario , Joulia Vulekovich Lara , Musso Marcos , Montalvetti Pablo

Keywords:  Crystalline lens, Orbit, Ultrasonography

Rao Jhanavi,  Thakor Dipakkumar,  Schroeder Jason

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-072

Leukocoria or the white eye reflex is an abnormal pupillary light reflection on ocular examination and is usually indicative of serious intraocular pathology. It is most often seen in children. Immediate diagnosis and management are mandatory as most conditions are vision threatening, and some like retinoblastoma life threatening. It is important to identify underlying pathologies early, especially conditions such as retinoblastoma with immediate referral to a pediatric ophthalmologist.
An interdisciplinary liaison with a pediatric radiologist, retina specialist, and ocular oncologist will help in the management of eyes with leukocoria in an appropriate manner. Imaging also plays a critical role in assessing treatment response.
In this educational exhibit, we will highlight key cross-sectional imaging findings of ocular abnormalities associated with leukocoria that provide valuable clues in diagnosing the important pathologies in the pediatric population. These findings may include calcific masses, microphthalmia, vascular abnormalities, hemorrhage and enhancement patterns, all which aid in narrowing down the differential diagnosis of leukocoria.

The diagnosis of intra-ocular pathologies commonly resulting in pediatric leukocoria is a complex task that often necessitates a multidisciplinary approach, complemented by multimodality imaging and often genetic analysis. Cross-sectional imaging proves to be a valuable tool for refining the list of potential diagnoses based on structural abnormalities and guiding clinicians towards specific confirmatory tests.
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Authors:  Rao Jhanavi , Thakor Dipakkumar , Schroeder Jason

Keywords:  Orbit, CT, Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI

Wien Michael

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-032

The purpose of this educational exhibit is to give an overview of imaging findings related to the pediatric orbit and optic pathway. Categories of findings include normal anatomy as well as abnormal anatomic variants, prenatal (fetal) as well as congenital/neonatal abnormalities, Infection/Inflammation and neoplastic disease.
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Authors:  Wien Michael

Keywords:  orbit, optic pathway

Gerrie Samantha,  Rajani Heena,  Branson Helen,  Navarro Oscar

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-072

Pediatric developmental and non-neoplastic orbital lesions are uncommon. Recognition of the most common pediatric developmental orbital lesions can aid the referring clinician in vision prognostication and prompt a search for other features in syndromic cases. Early recognition of non-neoplastic orbital lesions including infectious/inflammatory lesions, extra-ocular and ocular masses and trauma can direct appropriate and timely subspecialty referral and treatment. A structured approach to multimodality imaging work-up is important for narrowing the differential diagnosis of these lesions. This pictorial essay aims to present a multimodality imaging approach to pediatric developmental and non-neoplastic orbital lesions and highlight the use of ocular ultrasound as a first imaging modality in narrowing the differential diagnosis. We will discuss developmental lesions (persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous, congenital cataracts, coloboma, morning glory disc anomaly, retinopathy of prematurity, microphthalmia and anophthalmia), infectious/inflammatory pathologies (preseptal cellulitis, orbital cellulitis, optic neuritis, chalazion, uveitis, toxocara and toxoplasmosis), extra-ocular non-neoplastic orbital/periorbital pathologies (dermoid cyst, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, thyroid ophthalmopathy, orbital pseudotumor, optic nerve sheath arachnoid cyst), ocular non-neoplastic lesions (drusen and phthisis bulbi) and trauma (orbital blow out fracture, globe rupture, orbital foreign body, globe contusion with hyphema and retinal detachment). Read More

Authors:  Gerrie Samantha , Rajani Heena , Branson Helen , Navarro Oscar

Keywords:  Orbit, ultrasound, developmental

Gerrie Samantha,  Branson Helen,  Navarro Oscar

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-074

Pediatric vascular and neoplastic orbital lesions are uncommon. Recognition of the imaging features of the most common orbital vascular lesions is important for directing appropriate and timely management. Early multimodality imaging work-up of extra-ocular and ocular neoplastic orbital lesions is key in the diagnostic work-up of these lesions. This pictorial essay aims to present a multimodality imaging approach to pediatric vascular and neoplastic orbital lesions and highlight the use of ocular ultrasound as a first imaging modality in narrowing the differential diagnosis, particularly in the case of vascular lesions. We will discuss vascular lesions (infantile hemangioma, venous malformation, lymphatic malformation and carotid-cavernous fistula), extraocular neoplastic orbital lesions (chloroma, rhabdomyosarcoma, meningioma, optic glioma, schwannoma, teratoma, neuroblastoma with orbital bony metastases) and ocular neoplastic lesions (retinoblastoma, melanoma and nevus). Read More

Authors:  Gerrie Samantha , Branson Helen , Navarro Oscar

Keywords:  Orbit, ultrasound, neoplasm

Lewis Heidi,  Kucera Jennifer

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-038

The pediatric orbit presents a wide spectrum of possible abnormalities which differ significantly from those seen in adults. Evaluation of the various pediatric orbital abnormalities depends on radiologic assessment with different imaging techniques to aid in diagnosis. The purpose of this exhibit is to describe and differentiate the more commonly encountered pediatric orbital abnormalities using a multimodality approach. Read More

Authors:  Lewis Heidi , Kucera Jennifer

Keywords:  Orbit, Neuroradiology, Head and Neck

Mahdi Eman,  Whitehead Matthew,  Al-samarraie Mohannad,  Webb Ryan

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-026

Pediatric orbital diseases vary from those of adults in terms of pathology and imaging characteristics. The clinical signs and symptoms of most disease entities are non-specific. Radiological imaging plays an important role in narrowing the differential diagnosis and guiding clinical management planning. The purpose of this study is to provide a basic review of orbital embryology, anatomy, and pediatric orbital pathology with emphasis on radiological findings. Read More

Authors:  Mahdi Eman , Whitehead Matthew , Al-samarraie Mohannad , Webb Ryan

Keywords:  Pediatric, Orbit, Disease

Kong Tracie,  Ledbetter Luke

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-087

Radiology plays a crucial role in the detection, diagnosis, and longitudinal surveillance of tumors and their mimics in the pediatric orbit. Familiarity with the imaging spectrum of orbital pathology is necessary for making an accurate assessment to guide treatment, referrals, and in some cases further workup such as genetic testing. This exhibit will highlight the key imaging features of benign and malignant masses in the pediatric orbit, many of which are unique to this age group. Retinoblastoma, medulloepithelioma, optic pathway glioma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and plexiform neurofibroma will be amongst the neoplasms presented. Non-neoplastic lesions including lymphatic and vascular malformations, dermoid cysts, and congenital orbital fibrosis will be reviewed. Lesions of the bony orbit with intra-orbital extension will also be presented, including Langerhans cell histiocytosis, fibrous dysplasia, and neuroblastoma metastasis. Each type of pathology will be illustrated by representative case(s) from our institution. Read More

Authors:  Kong Tracie , Ledbetter Luke

Keywords:  orbit, tumor, mass

Willard Scott,  Patel Mittun,  Bailey Smita,  Miller Jeffrey,  Plotnik James,  Biyyam Deepa

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-024

Our educational exhibit will be an ultrasound pictorial review of the normal and pathologic conditions of the orbit in children. Read More

Authors:  Willard Scott , Patel Mittun , Bailey Smita , Miller Jeffrey , Plotnik James , Biyyam Deepa

Keywords:  orbit, globe, retina