Understanding and identifying cerebral cortical development and related pathology in children is an important skill for interpreting neuroradiology studies. Cortical developmental disease can be broken down into four topics: microcephaly, abnormal cell types, abnormal migration and abnormal cortical organization. After a brief review of cerebral cortex embryology, this educational exhibit will discuss the main pathologies seen in those four categories with illustrative examples from our institution. Outline: I. EMBRYOLOGY A. Formation of the neural plate B. Primary neurulation C. Subdivision of tissues D. Neuron migration E. Neuron organization II. CORTICAL DEVELOPMENTAL DISEASE A. Microcephaly 1) Microcephaly with simplified gyral pattern 2) Microcephaly with thin corpus callosum 3) Microlissencephaly: microcephalic brain with completely smooth, thick cortex. B. Abnormal cell types 1) Focal cortical dysplasia 2) Hemimegaencephaly C. Abnormal migration 1) Cobblestone lissencephaly 2) Classic lissencephaly 3) Incomplete lissencephaly 4) Gray matter heterotopia 5) Periventricular (subependymal) nodular heterotopia 6) Focal subcortical heterotopia D. Abnormal cortical organization 1) Polymicrogyria 2) Schizencephaly III. SUMMARY / CONCLUSION
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Meeting name:
SPR 2017 Annual Meeting & Categorical Course
, 2017
Dicamillo Paul,
Wien Michael
cerebral cortex,