Soft tissue hemangiomas (STH) are the most common benign vascular tumors in childhood. Its diagnosis is mainly clinical. In some cases, imaging is required, US Doppler choice of preference. Less frequently, it can be complemented with complex studies such as diagnostic angiography, MRI and biopsy, or ultrasonographic follow-up. This study aims to investigate the characteristics of STH that required imaging follow-up, complex studies or biopsies. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024
Authors: Rossel Natalia, Pérez-marrero Lizbet, Whittle Carolina, Aris Ricardo, Fuentealba Isabel
Keywords: Soft Tissue Hemangioma, Infantile hemangioma, Congenital hemangioma
To determine the cause of obstructive hydronephrosis using fMRU in pediatric patients with inconclusive conventional studies. Read More
Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016
Authors: Bareño Sandra, Pérez-marrero Lizbet, Fuentealba Isabel, Pose Georgette, Soto Gloria, Silva Claudio, Salinas Cesar
Keywords: Hydronephrosis, Magnetic Resonance Urography Scan, Ureteropelvic junction stenosis, Obstructive hydronephrosis, Differential renal function
Se realiza en Chile tamizaje universal de displasia de cadera (DDC) con radiografía de pelvis AP (Rx Pelvis) a los 3 meses de edad, sin embargo no hay una estandarización del informe radiológico para una correcta y óptima derivación al especialista. Objetivo: Estandarizar y validar el informe de la Rx pelvis usada en el tamizaje de la DDC. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Pérez-marrero Lizbet, Monardez Pamela, Besomi Javier, Switt Margarita, Avilés Carolina, Herrera Cristhián, Fuentealba Isabel, Pose Georgette, Silva Claudio
Keywords: Screening, Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip, HIRADS