Tess the MRI Safety Mascot: A Creative Approach to Radiology Safety and Education
Purpose or Case Report: Magnetic Resonance (MR) safety education is essential to protect patients and staff from hazards, especially by preventing ferrous items from entering Zones 3 (control and changing areas) and 4 (magnet room). To address this, our MR Safety Committee focused on improving safety signage. A Radiology Human Factors Engineer (HFE) observed staff interactions within MR zones, focusing on adherence to entrance screening protocols. The observations revealed that non-MR medical professionals, less familiar with safety protocols, could unintentionally enter with hazardous items, and that staff may check on their first entry, but forget to check again on subsequent re-entry. Therefore, new signage needed to be eye-catching and memorable. In 2023, the committee introduced "Tess" (short for Tesla), a life-size cardboard cutout of an MR Safety mascot. Tess, a cartoon MR technologist in scrubs, highlights common ferrous items staff should check for, head-to-toe. She holds a sign reading, “You are about to enter Zone 3: Are you CLEAR?” followed by the item list and CLEAR acronym’s safety instructions. The concept, acronym, and design were developed by the HFE with input from the MR team and digitally rendered by a medical illustrator using Adobe Illustrator 2023. The design adheres to the hospital’s branding and was printed by an external vendor. Tess was placed at the Zone 3 entrance in three different MR areas. After positive feedback from technologists and committee members, the Facilities team expanded Tess’s presence by adding her to large vinyl signs on Zone 4 doors where she points to frequently overlooked ferrous items. During the 2024 MR Safety Week, Tess was central to hands-on education. Radiology interns 3D-printed the ferrous items Tess highlights, allowing staff to physically engage with the mascot and remove the items. This interactive approach drew participants in to spread awareness of MR safety practices. Tess was also integrated into the hospital’s online MR safety training module, developed by the Digital Learning team. In this module, users drag items from Tess’s pockets, hair, and hands into a designated locker, reinforcing the habit of checking for those ferrous objects. We are monitoring Tess’s impact on compliance and safety and believe she could be adapted for use in other high-risk areas, such as operating rooms and interventional radiology suites, where strict safety protocols are crucial. Methods & Materials: Results: Conclusions:
Bennett, Brittany
( Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
, Philadelphia
, Pennsylvania
, United States
Larsen, Ethan
( Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
, Philadelphia
, Pennsylvania
, United States
Prodigios, Joice
( Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
, Philadelphia
, Pennsylvania
, United States
Silvestro, Elizabeth
( Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
, Philadelphia
, Pennsylvania
, United States
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