Administering oral contrast less than two hours before sedation/anesthesia is often needed for computed tomography (CT) studies of the abdomen in children, but violates the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) nothing-by-mouth guidelines and may increase the risk of aspiration pneumonia.<b> </b>ASA guidelines are based on gastric aspiration.<b> </b>Oral contrast is best administered 1 hour prior to imaging for optimal abdominal CT evaluation. The aim of our study was to measure residual gastric fluid volume (RGV) by CT and with manual aspiration in subjects undergoing general anesthesia (GA) less than 2 hours after oral contrast. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Afonya Boma, Kandil Ali, Mahmoud Mohamed, Das Bobby, Fleck Robert
Keywords: Anesthesia, Enteric Contrast, Safety
Congenital lung lesions continue to be diagnosed prenatally with increasing frequency. While the etiologies frequently encountered have been well described, there are contradictions in the literature about the prevalence of pathologies. Additionally, no gender or lobar predilection has been confidently reported. The goal of this study was to delineate the epidemiology of congenital lung lesions and their mimickers at our institution to provide comparison to published data. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2017 Annual Meeting & Categorical Course , 2017
Authors: Ledbetter Karyn, Adler Elena, Subramanyam Rajeev, Mahmoud Mohamed, Kline-fath Beth, Fleck Robert
Keywords: bronchial atresia, Congenital, CPAM